Opinions needed on my SoP (work in progress)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2011
Reaction score
McVeytown, Pennsylvania, USA
ARBA has recommended that everyone create their own Standard Operating Procedures, for the upcoming legislative change. So I've been working on mine, and here's what I have so far. Any suggestions? I tried to cover everything, but I'm sure there's stuff missing.

I needed to do something like this anyway, on the off chance I wouldn't be here to take care of the buns.

Here's the link to the SoP:
http://westwindsrabbitry.com/Standard Operating Procedures.pdf

Cage cleaning chart:

And the Feeding chart:

Now back to the barn to finish moving the doe cages over to the new rabbitry section.
You posted the feeding chart but its really the cage cleaning chart..

I think its pretty good! Looks like a lot of work Wendy.. i dont think I want a barn anymore LOL
Oops. Thanks for catching that!
http://westwindsrabbitry.com/feeding chart.pdf

LOL @ barn! It is a lot of work, which makes it a good thing I don't work outside the house. I don't know how in the world people do it while holding down full time jobs. And I am a VERY small rabbitry, too.

I think the reason so many are against the new regulation proposal is that, with a hundred or more rabbits, there is NO way to do all this. Just doing the thorough cleaning/disinfecting on the cages takes a bit of time. I don't see myself going over 50 holes, and then even I'll be scrambling to keep doing what I've been doing.
Wow, I am so impressed! Particularly with all the disinfecting. I've never disinfected my x-pens, just litter boxes. I wonder if I should? Is that because you have so many rabbits to prevent disease spreading through the rabbitry? My x-pens are how I contain my rabbits when they aren't running around the house, so it's just the same individuals in the area (I don't switch the buns around).

I don't think there's any way to disinfect carpeting either.:?

What do you do for the buns in the house like cute little Max? Havn't had any Max photos lately.
I do all the disinfecting because we go to shows. If we just had 1 or 2 in the house, it wouldn't really be needed. So anything that gets touched gets disinfected.

I'm really, really, really adamant on the nest box disinfecting. I know of a rabbitry that NEVER disinfects anything, and they always have dead litters, babies dying, and babies losing their eyesight.

Some days the trays don't get rinsed out (if we're at a rabbit show). And some get rinsed more often (like Twila and her 9 babies). But, all in all, that's our basic schedule. Not including the horses and other animals, of course. LOL

As for Max... she's currently trying out living with the other rabbits (and she's the one currently out in the Xpen). She seems to be really enjoying it, and her attitude is really laid back and mellow. Once the sons finish up the end fencing/gates, I'll let her out while I'm filling water bottles and stuff, along with her Xpen time.

I keep meaning to snap pictures of some of the ones I haven't taken any of in a while, but always seem to forget. Either I forgot to take the camera down and think, "I'll bring it down next trip" or I bring it down and get back to the house and be like, "Darn, forgot to snap pictures, I'll do it next trip." It's a vicious cycle. hahaha
oh one thing.. in your first list there - standard procedures I think its called. On your daily portion, the first section, all the way at the last bullet there is some spacing issue there.. maybe you hit the tab button? Not sure if thats important or not, just thought I'd tell ya! :)
That totally makes sense. I'm a microbiologist by training. The young are so much more vulnerable since their imune systems aren't developed yet.

That also makes sense the difference between going to shows and not. I have a closed community since they aren't around other rabbits so cleaning and disinfecting of litter boxes would be enough. I am giving ivomec to all of the rabbits even though Becky is the only one with EC symptoms. I just want to be sure since they do pee in each other's litter boxes sometimes.
Thanks, Maria. For some reason when it got converted it added that spacing but when I printed it the spacing was okay. Not sure, but I'm going to fix it.

Brandy, I just hear of so many people that have come home from a show and a few weeks later start losing rabbits. I'm even worrying about taking them to the fair next month. They'll either be all fine, or I'll be burying my whole crew.

How long do you have to keep giving the Ivomec?

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