Open County Fairs

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Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Findlay, Illinois, USA
[align=center]I was wondering how many peopleshow their rabbits at county fairs and such. I have beentrying like crazy to find different county fairs that offer a Junior orOpen department for rabbits or poultry. Also, if anybody isin central illinois that shows, can you give me an idea of othercoutnies that have open or junior shows?Thanks![/align]

[align=center]~*Chia*Pet* *n* *Reese*~[/align]
Many of the county fairs in Ohio have juniorfair (open fair). I don't know if that helps you ornot. Junior Fair in Medina County is quite largeand fun. I always check out these entries first.
The hillsdale county fair has an open class arbashow for open andyouthin september. Its very small.the only thing that is sanctioned it that its through arba. But theyhavea great payback sliding scale too. $5.00 for bob. $3 forbest opposite. .50 on up for class placings. $3 for best of variety,and $2 for best opposite. And you only have to pay like a $1 per penfees. Thats one of the biggest fairs I hit up every year. Because I canshow the rabbits, and actually some payback cash off of them. Plus theyhave a professional open class art show that also pays very good,thatsright up my alley. :) They pay you $5 for a first placeribbon on them.
Another, for anyone interested in centralillinois, is the Macon County Fair. It was just held lastweek... for this year.. but they have it every year. The maindrawback is that it is a junior show. Exhibitors must bebetween 8 and 21. Payback is pretty good.. its $1.00 entryand $1.00 pen rent... payback is pretty good and all.
I show my rabbits at our local fair but only in 4-H and I took 1st and 3rd yay!

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