Ooooouuuuuch- My tooth- MOVED from trial board

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Bristol, , United Kingdom
mouse_chalk wrote:
I am STILL waiitng to have my bottom wisdom teeth removed- for about 6 weeks now...

But the one that's the most impacted, is causing the whole of that side jaw to hurt :sigh2:

My ear is starting to hurt as well...

The tooth area hurts but not all that much?

Even opening and closing my mouth hurts!

I have antibiotics 'just in case' but I'm reluctant to take them because they are the ones that make me really really sick....

Sorry, just wanted to moan about that somewhere!

I'm also starting to wonder if it's not somehow affecting my ear which is somehow causing the relapse of dizziness? :?


pumpkinandwhiskersmom wrote:

Tooth issues will definitely affect the ears. When will you be able to get the teeth taken care of? (especially the one that's giving you trouble) Clove oil is supposed to help with tooth pain, but I don't know if it'll help with anything that's impacted. Take care, and I hope it gets better!

mouse_chalk wrote:

They said 2 months maximum.... but the consulant has to call me in to the hospital for a... consultation first lol. But I've not heard a thing. Zilch! :sigh2:

I've taken some anti-inflammitaries... the actual tooth doesn't hurt too much, the 'underneath' bit does... the whole of the 'corner' of my jaw bone... if that makes any sense lol...

I'll be calling my dentist on monday to find out whats happened with my referral!

I am paranoid that maybe they sent it off with my old address or something lol :eek:

Flashy wrote:

Chase them up. And it does stand to reason that your relapse was due to this, that would make a lot of sense, and actually, might make you feel less despondent about it, because there was a genuine reason for it too.

mouse_chalk wrote:
You're right, it would make me feel a whole lot better- because even though it sucks, there would be something they could do about it!

It keeps niggling me that we moved from one house to the one next door- and the new people there aren't forwarding any stray post- so if it was sent there by accident, I wouldn't have got it.....

I'm definitely calling on Monday.

They told me I could pay to go private but it would be a lot of money, and they'd only do one tooth at a time for some reason :s

BoTheBunny wrote:

YUCK! I just went through some of the dental stuff last Sunday.

Becca wrote:

I have toothache too! Though actually my whole body aches, I pulled ALL my muscles yesterday in PE!!

I did jump 1 metre 40 cm though!!!! Go ME!

I called my dentist's receptionist on Monday about this.

She called the hospital- they had the wrong address- which they've now corrected.... BUT.... they had NO record whatsoever of my referral- which was in the middle of December! :cry1::cry1::cry1:

She's had to send the letter all over again. So it could take who knows how long for me to get the appointment now.

Meanwhile I'm still in pain, the anti-inflammitaries aren't working, and my jaw feels like it's about to explode! :twitch:

They're leaving me some more antibiotics out which I have to go and pick up, but they are the ones that make me throw up all day when I take them..... :(

Once I've given the letter a couple of days to arrive, I plan on calling the hospital day and night begging for cancellations lol.... :(

SO glad I called though! Just wish I had done it sooner! :banghead:banghead
Do you have to go to the hospital for wisdom teeth being cut out? We have tons of dental surgeons here and we have a lot of dentist who can do some of the work. Generally if you have to be put under, you go to a maxillofacial surgeon's office and have him do it.

I didn't get to go to mine for my issues last week but I've had him take my wisdoms and a couple of others before. He gives me gas and sometimes penethal I think in the IV...... I couldn't give a crud what they do! I breath that gas in and he says "Breath normal now Pennie!" cause I suck that stuff down LOL! I don't want to know I'm there! :p He just laughs at me!

I wish I could afford to have gas with ANY dental work! SO much easier!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Do you have to go to the hospital for wisdom teeth being cut out? We have tons of dental surgeons here and we have a lot of dentist who can do some of the work. Generally if you have to be put under, you go to a maxillofacial surgeon's office and have him do it.

I didn't get to go to mine for my issues last week but I've had him take my wisdoms and a couple of others before. He gives me gas and sometimes penethal I think in the IV...... I couldn't give a crud what they do! I breath that gas in and he says "Breath normal now Pennie!" cause I suck that stuff down LOL! I don't want to know I'm there! :p He just laughs at me!

I wish I could afford to have gas with ANY dental work! SO much easier!

My dentist wont do it under local because it's quite well settled under the gum- he thinks it's too big for just a local, and that's FINE by me lol!

I could pay to go to the private clinic across Bristol but I can't afford to do it- they'd do it under local and heavy sedation- I had one removed there a few years ago (when I had my credit card still lol) and didn't feel a thing!

He's reccommending a general aneasthetic which I can only have done at the hospital- as a day case, where I had the op on my back last year! And that just means waiting on the NHS waiting list for an appointment.... :(

I've never had much else work done- so luckily I don't really know what it's like! Hopefully I wont have to find out either!:shock:

I have super painkillers that will knock me out if it gets really bad- the problem is that they will knock me out lol... :p
Last Tuesday I got a canker sore in my mouth and thought I had bitten my cheek with my wisdom tooth. It kept getting worse and by Thursday the right side of my face was slightly swollen. Friday morning I called and went into the dentist, thinking they would prescribe me antibiotics for a week and then it would be up to me to have my teeth out. WRONG. They sent me right next door to the oral surgeon and I had my teeth pulled within the hour! Better than the anticipation of waiting a week I guess! :biggrin2:

The pain wasn't bad at all (the meds they gave me took it away 100%). The bad part was the oozing. And the fact that they overdosed me on laughing gas during the procedure and I almost went unconscious toward the end. My teeth had all broken through many years ago and are straight so it was an easy procedure for them (took about 5 -10 mins).

I made sure to take my teeth home with me (they are HUGE). Wish I had a camera to post pictures but I left both of the cameras over at Chris's apartment to take pictures of the bunnies and I haven't been there for a week now.

Anyhow, sorry to hijack the thread! I thought it was kinda funny to read you've been going through the same thing I just went through :)

LOL! Oh dear- that bought back some memories!

When I had my top wisdom tooth removed a few years ago, my best friend came with me because Steve was working and I wasn't on the best terms with my mum and dad so wanter her there instead. Well, afterwards, I was in the waiting room coming round from the sedation. I was slumped in the sofa, trying to put my cardigan on which I managed to rip, mumbling and shouting at the guy on the other side of the room, saying 'does your face feel fat?' :shock:

My best friend kindly videoed it on her phone, sat with me all day taking care of me, an then kindly went to the pub and showed all our other friends!! :shock:

I feel like I'm whining, cos I'm sure that it's not the worst that it can be, but it's bothering me, y'know? I have to think about it alot because I notice it alot.... I'm sure I'll be thinking this was all a breeze by the time I actually get the appointment and it gets really bad lol!:expressionless
Haha, I saw that video on The Soup the other night. But, honestly? The effects of laughing gas aka Nitris wears off like 10 minutes after they stop it, so not sure what's up with that kid. I had Nitris alot when I was a bit older than him. I have to have it now whenever I get extractions, it makes it so much easier. The last wisdom tooth I had taken out, the doc didn't have the Nitris up enough for my liking, so I asked him to boost it up right before the extraction, ahh, so much better, cuz you don't care what happens to you, haha.

Best of luck, try not to be too nervous, I know, easier said than done. You'll be so glad when it's over. The last one I had pulled was a breeze, I couldn't believe it, it didn't even hurt when the novacaine wore off:).
I forgot to update this!

My appointment came through the other day for a consultation- it's on Friday! HOORAY!!

It's only for the consultation, not the surgery, but they should give me a date for the surgery either on the day or shortly after....

I am hoping it's after the 14th March if not very very soon because we have 2 gigs to go to in London- one on the 10th and one on the 14th that I have been looking forward to for MONTHS. My 2 favourite bands and I would be so gutted to miss them! But I also hope that I can get these pesky teeth out lol.... :p
I had my consultation on Friday- the doctor was very nice and agreed that general anaesthetic would be best for me- the roots split off in different ways accoring to my x-ray, which can be a bit tricky, and they have to cut through my gums :cry2

He also said that the roots rest right on the nerve that runs along my jawline, which could mean that it might get damaged during the surgery, which could lead to some possible temporary numbness in my face?!! :shock::shock::shock: I don't know if that's normal or not but he said it's rare luckily lol....

They are calling me tomorrow with the date. I actually cannot wait because one of them has swollen up again today and is all puss-y and really sore. It's leaving a horrid taste in my mouth :yuck
I recall reading about the bottom wisdom teeth potentially causing nerve damage when extracted, but it sounds like something that the doctors have to say to cover their bases. I believe it is rather rare, and am sure you will be fine :)

I also had an infection and swollen face prior to getting my wisdom teeth pulled. You know what was weird? The pain of the previous infection was worse than the pain that I had after my teeth were out! I remember after the Novicaine wore off, sitting there with the gauze in my mouth thinking...okay where's the pain? When is it going to get worse? This isn't so bad.

Eventually I decided to take the pain meds because I didn't want to be uncomfortable while eating. The prescription pain killers took 100% of the pain away, and I started getting pampered by those and taking them at the first sight of pain. Not a good idea to do on an empty stomach! I found that out the hard way :(

It sounds like what you are going through right now with the infection is going to be the worst of it. You will be so glad to have those teeth out! (I know I was)
Thanks! I thought it was just something they had to warn you about, just in case it happens....

The woman didn't call me today :grumpy: I don't know how there has to be a certain person that books the oral surgery- surely anyone there who books surgeries can just look on the computer and see when the date is free? I called them, and she had gone home! :grumpy::grumpy: So they left a message for her to call me tomorrow.....

I was just eating a pretzel, on the non-sore side of my mouth, and somehow it accidentally went over, and stabbed my gum where it's all swollen. OUCH! :cry1:That was not pleasant.

I'm rinsing with hot salty water as often as I can because the taste is YUCKY! Lol!

And yeah, I can't say I'm looking forward to the surgery part, but I am looking forward to getting them out and not having to worry about it anymore! I don't know what sort of painkillers I'll get, but I have a stash of Tramadol left over from a previous surgery lol, just in case it's bad :)

Come on lady, call! :rollseyes
mouse_chalk wrote:
I was just eating a pretzel, on the non-sore side of my mouth, and somehow it accidentally went over, and stabbed my gum where it's all swollen. OUCH! :cry1:That was not pleasant.
lol, yeah...when I had my infection I was so hungry for a cookie. I ate that cookie with tears in my eyes because the pain was so bad. And then 10 minutes later I had another cookie :p
Lol! Ahh, there is no stronger love than that for chocolat or cookies :)

I don't know what possessed me to eat pretzels, really. I was just hungry and looking for a snack. I totally forgot that they would hurt! I think my mouth was just bored of chewing on one side, but that sorted it out! :shock:

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