We had both of our lovely (female) rabbits spayed yesterday. They are housed separately and one (Ella) is 3 years old and the other (Bishop) is 5 and a half. Ella was pretty much awake and happy when he picked her up from the vets yesterday but this morning when we checked on her hutch, there's a rather large patch of blood on the floor of her hutch. Is this normal? I know when our dog had surgery, seeping blood was expected but I don't know for rabbits. Unfortunately, we admit to being terrible and not doing research for post-op care. Is it still too late to provide a blanket and warmth source? She seems happy and healthy, I'm just worried about the blood.
Our other rabbit, Bishop, hasn't moved much. She's ate and drunk a little bit, but doesn't appear to have been to the toilet yet. They're housed separately so I'm not concerned about the other licking each other's wound or anything like that. She's a smaller rabbit compared to Ella and older, so is it likely she's just still groggy from the surgery? We didn't get given any pain meds to administer ourselves, but they did get some while they were at the vets.
I'm hoping both our rabbits bounce back (pun intended!) so I can slowly introduce them on neutral territory in hopes that they'll bond, despite being two females.
Thank you for any advice you can offer! I read plenty about the benefits of spaying and why it's important, and somehow neglected to read what to expect afterwards and feel terrible.
Our other rabbit, Bishop, hasn't moved much. She's ate and drunk a little bit, but doesn't appear to have been to the toilet yet. They're housed separately so I'm not concerned about the other licking each other's wound or anything like that. She's a smaller rabbit compared to Ella and older, so is it likely she's just still groggy from the surgery? We didn't get given any pain meds to administer ourselves, but they did get some while they were at the vets.
I'm hoping both our rabbits bounce back (pun intended!) so I can slowly introduce them on neutral territory in hopes that they'll bond, despite being two females.
Thank you for any advice you can offer! I read plenty about the benefits of spaying and why it's important, and somehow neglected to read what to expect afterwards and feel terrible.