One picture to start with

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Active Member
Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
, Illinois, USA
OK, this is a first try at getting a picturepasted here. If it works, I'll send a few more.Wow, this is huge. Supersized cuteness!! I'll try alittle smaller onesnext.
Oh thank you - and I'm so glad youreplied! I hope boo boo foot is o.k. I replied toan earlier post, and have followed your cutie patutie babes and havebeen trying to get pictures to post for like a week. Ourbabes were born the day after Easter. We got ourbuns last summer, and thought they were sisters. We lost herfirst litter last month, and with lots of help and support from themembers here, we gave it another try. This will be her onlybunch and we will have daddy fixed. We have no idea whatbreed they are. I'll send more and see if anyone sees apattern. 4 came out looking like this one here. Onelooks like daddy and two are white & grey cuties.
I love baby bunnies :D if you need help in thefuture finding homes for the babies let me know, I have a TON ofclassified ad websites that you can sell the babies on, if you want ofcourse! I get replies all the time from a website called Hoobly.comthey get pretty good traffic. And is always an option :D

OhDear! Freshfrom Heaven.

What an Angel!!

How Adorable. Such a sweet little angel baby, very cute.

I am so glad you were able to post your pictures. I was gettingready to private message you and offer help. You did it...Yeah.

Thank you, Tina!!!!!!!! Yourhelp was so.... helpful! I'll get more up today after myhusband downloads them onto my computer. Watching 3neices & nephews today, so maybe later.
Awww just sooo adorable!! just to cute for words!! aww i want him/her please let me have her/him!! lol

aww thanks for sharing ya pic with us all!! just too cute!! lol thanks:D:D:D:D