one of my Doe's

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Hi Everyone got aquestion not necessarily urgentbut puzzling . My Doe Snowflake had babies over 6weeks ago tonight she isacting weird and pullingfur like sheis getting ready tokindle , babies are still withher and eating ontheir own she isnt acting as tho shewants them outof the nest yet buti cant figure what thenew hair pulling is all abouany suggestions :

We are in the middle of ahorrendous snow and ice storm i may notbe able to stay on line for long aspower has gone down once alreadytonight < but anysuggestions or possable clues as to thewhy would be appreciated Thanks <
Your doe may be having a false pregnancy orbabies. Has she been exposed to a buck since she had her kits? Doeswill readily breed back soon after they kindle.

I've also seen fur pulling as an indication of stress. If the kitsare over 6 weeks old, she may need to be separated from them.

Just a couple of possibilities,


ok thank you iwill try that and see what happpens ,no she hasnt been exposed toany males since shekindled so i know shecant be preggers again
no their allspoiled brats their all insidein a heated garage , the weatherhere has beenjust horrable with wind chillfactors way below zero . and nothe temp is comfortable at 65 degrees, so its not from overheating . im just not sure asto the why of it all . unlessshe wants to be a mommy againand thats not anoption right now , she kindled7 and lost 5to still birth with only 2surviving , i have to wonder if it maybesomething to so with theway she came indistressed and poorly managed ?just a thought but these poorbunnies keep me awake atnight worring about them allthey came from a badsituation .

oh not to make afunny but mysupposed male bunny last nightkindled 5 beautiful healthybabies lol i have onlyhad him / her 3 weeks lol 3 ofus were convinced she was ahe . well mothernature sure pulled a good one over me lol
gypsy wrote:

oh not to make afunny but mysupposed male bunny last nightkindled 5 beautiful healthybabies lol i have onlyhad him / her 3 weeks lol 3 ofus were convinced she was ahe . well mothernature sure pulled a good one over me lol
That is really funny. Though not making fun of you. I really hope thatdoes not happen again to anybody (especially me):p! So the babies arehealthy and all alive? Post up pictures please!
lol yes as soon asi can she is prettysnippy about peeking at them at themoment but they are socute they look like black dutchall black with a wide band ofwhite over chest and backreally cute . i hope it doesnthappen to anyone else itwas a BIG! surpriselol kinda stood there and went okok who didthe gender change lol
Oh that's great gypsy.... I mean..... well..... it is if you don't mind babies but I love babies so it's great! lol

Also, the kits might need separated, but I think you might need to putthem in at least once a day to nurse...... now I am not a breeder but Ithink that's what I have seen in the past. Suzy and some ofthe other breeders would better answer that..... just something Iwanted to bring up.
Thanks Bo i willdo that just hope shedont get snotty like Lightningdid when i tried thati got severly bitten because ofit but i will be sureto try that cant get downthere right now snowingtoo hard and the windis vicious 50 mph . but iwill do thatin the morning Thanks Hon


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