One More Babay Dead

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
ozark, Alabama, USA
:(:(:(when i went out to check out the rabbits this morning i found that another one of he seven origanals babies have died.

I dont understand why they keep dying?

is it something i am doing or is it the mother i just dont know?

I think someone told me that theyare american lops but not sure.

Exactly bothe of the ababies who died were way smaller than the others.

i dont know because it was dead in the mornning and my dad took it outof the cage because i was to upset to do it my self.:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
They may have beenpeanuts, if that was the case then they would have died anyways. Butthey would have only been peanuts if you raise dwarf bunnies and ifthey had the dwarf gene. Do you breed bunnies on a regular basis? Likejust to sell them? Are they pedigreed?

AW! Sweetie, I am sorry! Howsad! Sometimes, a mother will stop feeding the failure tothrive babies. Sometimes a mother will starve the weak onesto allow for more milk for the healthy babies. I am very,very sorry. How are the babies today?

Hugs and kisses to you and the kits
ooo ok gotcha! :DI do suggest getting the doe and buck spayed/neutered that way it wont happen again.

I know what you mean, babies can be to stressfullsometimes!

You are a good bunny mommy and if there was anything you could havedone for that baby you wouldhave!


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