One Hot Bun

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2010
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, Georgia, USA
So in addition to my Mr Whiskers, i have two baby bunnies. they are females (and in a separate cage from mr whiskers).

One of them has started recently to pant really hard. like its hot in our apartment. We can't do anything about it. (we've had the ac unit looked at and stuff).
we have windows open to keep the heat to a minimum. and I don't even know if she's hot. She just pants really hard and she looks like she's shaking bad because of it.
I don't know if she's just hot and if so, how do I cool her off?

It's been hotter in our apartment and she hasn't done this. Is this just something maybe normal and I haven't realized it?

I know my questions are kind of out of wack. I apologize for that, but just trying to figure out why she's panting so hard.
Do you have a way to monitor the temperature in your apartment?

Rabbits can overheat in temps from the high 70s to low 80s.

Maybe put a frozen water bottle near her cage for now and take her to a vet if she keeps doing it. Is she drinking normally or excessively?
we have tried putting the thermostat down to 60 but it doesn't want to work. We've had the landlord bring people out here to work on it and it's cooler than it has been. She just started this panting thing and she's drinking like normal. the other bun isn't doing this.
Do you have a rabbit savvy vet near you? Rapid breathing in the absence of hot temperatures could indicate a number of health issues, from fever due to infection, to pain for whatever reason. I'd suggest you get her evaluated.

She's eating/drinking/pooping normally? Does she seem to have any sort of injury?
Everything seems to be normal. Just she's panting rapidly. Her poop is normal sized, her pee is normal. she is eating and drinking just fine. She's hopping and jumping normal and sniffing and trying to devour everything that is not food (of course I don't let her eat it lol)I put her near the back door to let some cool air in so maybe that may cool her down.

We don't have any rabbit savvy vets near here. I do plan on asking the breeder I got her from and see if she may know what's going on.
I mean if she were sick she would likely be showing some other sign, like being lethargic or not eating/drinking normally. If she were overheated she would be lethargic and if she were dehydrated her poop and pee would be affected.

Stress/excitement can alter their breathing rates, but if she's behaving normally otherwise it would seem like she's not stressed either.

It's really strange. Like right now, she is eating as I type this. Could it just be her growing? I know that sounds weird, but I mean maybe it's a form of growth spurt?
Panting is not normal and typically a sign of heat stress. :(

What is the current temperature in your house; best guess?

Do you have a baby thermometer?
Our thing says 85 (we have it set for 68...the 'normal' temp) but still it's not wanting to go down.
we are going to have the AC people come here again.

and i have a regular thermometer. She is sitting by the back door screen (the air coming in is way less than 85) so hopefully that'll help with cooling down process.
85 F is when rabbits typically start showing the signs of heat stress and become uncomfortable. I would provide a frozen water bottle and mist her ears with cool water. A rabbit's main cooling comes from the ears. If you don't currently have any frozen bottles then I would fill up two and place them in freezer. That way when one melts you can switch them out. If she starts acting confused and lethargic then I would rush her to the ER vet. It wouldn't matter if they were rabbit savvy in that incident because they can provide fluids and lower the temperature of her body.

Severe heatstroke symptoms:
panting, salivating, inability to move, confusion and convulsions
Okay. Thank you. She's not confused or anything. She's playing like normal but we've gotten a small fan to put near the cage. You want me to freeze like drinking water bottles? or like regular human drinking water bottles? and i'll give misting her ears a try.
she doesn't have any of the other symptoms but pantings...but it's not like a dog panting (tongue out of mouth). its like her body is doing the panting. if that makes sense.
My breeder suggested I dipped the tip of her ears in cool water. I tried that and my bun got like cooler instantly. So I think this may be helping.
jlofluteplayer wrote:
You want me to freeze like drinking water bottles? or like regular human drinking water bottles?
Just a standard plastic human water bottle. :)
She will lay against it to lower her body temperature on those hots days. I'm glad the misting/wetting of the ears has helped. It's one of the most efficient ways of cooling a bunny because the hair is so thin there.

Thank you all for your help!
We have the AC guys coming out today to work on our AC unit again. until then, i have a fan blowing around their cage.
When we dipped her ears in water it was an immediate relief. If she could talk, she would've said "ahhh" with a sigh of relief. my boyfriend and I found it very interesting and cool.
My bunnies like to lay in front of the fans too when it's hot.

Depending on where you are in GA, there should be some good vets. I know there are several in the Atlanta area and there is a North Georgia chapter of the House Rabbit Society that is very helpful and has a good website.

You can also put a ceramic tile in the freezer for a few minutes and then put that in her area to lie on.
right now I am in alabama. When i go home i'll be in Savannah Ga area and we have a rabbit savvy vet down there...but i can't go down there right now. it's 6 hours away

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