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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
, , USA
OKay, the bunny that got loose from those horrible people next door is still alive, and was in our yard! It's pretty big but I was far away from it when I saw it, as he was also VERY FAST.

Ooh I so want to catch this bunny. I don't want it to go back to those evil, evil people.

I'm leaving some pellets out for it, because it must be really hungry. I'm gonna be in Baton Rouge this weekend, so I'm leaving instructions for Dad to feed him with some veggies/pellets.

I just wanna catch him and get him away from them.
I agree, I despise these people....Poor bunny...
No I didn't think of that. I will put some of Pellette's poops out, they're nice and big and generally "scented" whenever Erik comes around....will put out lots of poops, and some food in the clover patch.

Dad works for the shelter, I'm gonna ask if he can get a live trap!
Live Trap! Live Trap! Worked wonders for me when I was trapping feral cats. Hope you have success with this one! I have one in my closet if you need it and can Fedex it to you by Saturday/Tuesday if you can't get your hands on one.
JamesCarden wrote:
maybe you could get him to come up to you? talk to him very softly!

LOL The problem is that I was five yards away from him before he BOLTED. He doesn't want to be caught, I promise. Poor bunny is probably feral, I'm hoping that he's tameable.

I'm gonna see if the rescue has any live traps, if not, I'm gonna ask Dad to get me one from the shelter. If that doesn't work, perhaps Fed-exing one over would be best, just lemme know the costs of shipping.
Ivory wrote:
JamesCarden wrote:
maybe you could get him to come up to you? talk to him very softly!

LOL The problem is that I was five yards away from him before he BOLTED. He doesn't want to be caught, I promise. Poor bunny is probably feral, I'm hoping that he's tameable.

knowing where he came from, i can understand why he wouldn't want to be caught.
i wouldn't be trusting any humans if i were him.

poor guy
Live traps work great. Scatter the fresh poops all around and in the trap. Put some yummy veggies at one end and maybe some fruit that smells strong (like strawberry). Then put the trap somewhere where you see him. Under a trea works best cuz thats where they hide. I try to partially over it in branches etc so theyre more likely to go in.
Well, our nice neighbors caught a bunny, but I don't know if its the same one. At any rate, they're good people and take good care of their animals, and had bunnies in the past. So Bunnie is getting a roomy hutch in their air-conditioned shed for now. It's a female, and they're going to spay her after she's calmed down.
