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I like it a lot - a mini-drama in 30+ seconds.

And, since Nibbles is pretty vocal, it makes sense to me - just so she doesn't start singing like that...!
Haley wrote:
lol..yeah someone else posted that in the Off-Topic.

Its very weird, but funny :)
Yeppers...that would be me :D.

Most people are good right up until the bunnie bites the guy, and then they get wierded out.:shock:
I still say that bunnie was in The Night of the Lepus.....third scene, second bunnie from the right.

It reminded me of the WB cartoon with the guy who finds the singing frog.
I think we Americans actually agree with you...I don't know WHERE they get some of these ad ideas! Lol...

I have to admit, I didn't get it completely, and it has a definiteweird "flavor" to it, but it seems to be the recent trademark withSkittle commercials. Seems there are a few companies thathave decided to do weird, surreal commercials lately.

Yes, Americans in general are quite the odd bunch. Hehe...:)

minilops wrote:
What the...:shock:

American ads are so weird! :laugh:

It makes no sense to me really but the singing bunny is kind of amusing.
Moral of the story - never trade your Skittles for ANYTHING - no matter what. - You'll regret it . . .

