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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2008
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Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA
You read it right. It was snowing here. None of it stuck, but it was still depressing. It seems like yesterday when I was running around outside barefoot and in shorts...

Wait... I probably did that yesterday anyway... :biggrin2:

Is anyone else depressed/upset about the snow that the future months will bring?
The snow itself donesn't depress me, although we don't get as much here as you do, thank Heaven, LOL. Driving in the snow is what bothers me, I HATE HATE HATE driving in snow.
I like snow and everything, it's so pretty, but I hate the nasty-cold that accompanies it. If it could stay ABOVE zero, I wouldn't get so crabby about it.

It started snowing again. I want to cry. No more hiking for me...
lol I grew up with West Highland Terriers. They were pretty good in snow. I like small(er) dogs. I mostly like terriers for the small guys. I don't mind medium dogs, though. I don't like labs (sorry for those I've just offended). They are too common for my tastes... I want a REAL German shepherd if I have to have a big dog. Will wants an Irish wolfhound. Man, we need a bigger place lol

I still dislike the negative-temperature season. I like it until it gets to the "so-cold-that-your-eyelashes-freeze" point.
In Indiana, you could be wearing shorts and flip flops in the morning and snow boots in the afternoon...... nothing surprises us here!

Snow on Halloween isn't unusual........ I expect a cold and snowy winter......

Pokie and Dakota are already furred up pretty good. You can sink your fingers into their belly hair...... it's so soft!! Lots of hair! and that's not really normal by this time.

Animals who have been in cold/snowy areas can grow more hair on the lower parts (think MaineCoon kitties)... I wonder if that's not what I'm seeing with them.

I detest winter and all that it brings. We don't really get deep snow anymore, not like I remember from childhood. (Wow, do I sound old, or what!) But the cold and the sleet and the frost, and most of all the ice storms that coat the landscape with half an inch of pure ice, yuck. I don't have a garage, and have to scrape my car windows just about every morning in the winter.

On top of that, I have always been very sensitive to the cold. Even as a child, I have always been the coldest person in the room. 70 is cold to me. I wear jeans and long sleeves in summer. (One person at work said that it's because "vegetarians have nothing inside of them." Yes, those exact words. Nevermind that, although I don't eat a lot of meat, I am not a vegetarian, (though thinking more and more about that lately) and also, I'm pretty sure I'm a little heavier than I need to be, and I *think* I've got some organs or something inside.)

I have arthritis in my hands, knees, and feet, so very cold days are literally painful to me. I'm pretty depressed through most of winter, just from being cold and achy.
Michaela wrote:
It's snowing here right now. O_O It's October. :shock:
Wow - I don't remember that ever happening before! Our local radio said that we might be getting snow tomorrow, and seeing as we are very far South that was rather amazing! But no, just ice :(

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Bo? Have to agree with ya on the Midwest part, but sheesh! It's Way To Early For This Crap!!:tantrum:

Friggin' Burrrrrrrrrrrrrr...:p:grumpy:

I know! It's been a bit colder than normal - that's what I hate! the COLD!

I remember a couple of years ago, we literally had on shorts and tshirts and the a/c was on in the morning. It was sunny and humid and miserable......

Then, it got cloudy and cooler and we had tornados! in the afternoon........ after they passed it was like a nice cool day....

by evening it was so cold you could see your breath and that night we had snow flurries.......

Yep, October in Indiana! All four seasons in 24 hours!

PS: Just went out to the car and there are little sleet pellets on the roof of the car! We also had a hard frost last night. Brrrrrr......

:wave2 send you snow here, we like snow,lol!!!!!!!!!! It is the ice i could so do wit hout. Of course i dont have to drive to work just preschool three times a week, but i likey ,likey the snow. My son came barreling upstiars this morning threw the door open and yelled that it was snowing,lol, it isnt sticking on the ground just coming down with some rain but he was so excited he wanted to go out and play in it,lol
BethM, I can kind of relate with your aches (not me personally...). My mom has had arthritis as long as I can remember. She also had a herniated disc in her back, which is now fused, AND she gets fibromyalgia. She is VERY achy starting in fall and through to spring. :( It sucks. You can almost hear her creak in the winter...

I don't have a problem if it snows after Thanksgiving... But before Halloween? Ugh.

I just don't want a this year to be the "chaser" for last year. That was too much snow. There was so much snow, there were days where I would have to dig my car out because it was frozen in place. The snow was halfway up the stupid door! Granted, my car is low(er), but still! It's a 1992 Mercury Tracer WAGON! :p

Me loves my wagon! :inlove:
Snow is as rare as....... Something very rare down here lol. If we do get it, it never settles and turns into brown mush from all the pollution. I would absolutely LOVE to get crisp, white snow that lasted! I remember it from my trip to the US when I was little, I can't remember where we went but I do remember lots of snow, and being taught to ski, and swimming in an outdoor hot spring(?) whilst being surrounded by snow.... We stayed in Boisie, Idaho, and I think I remember lots of snow there, but for the life of me I can't remember where we went.... :?

Anyway, we've just had a whole pile of hailstones over here, and a MASSIVELY loud thunderstorm, but it only lasted half an hour or so. It's 2.30pm, but it's nearly dark and I've got all the lights on! I thought the bunnies would be scared so I rushed over to pet them but they just looked at me like 'what, mum? It's just a bit of thunder, calm down!' :cool:
oh Jen you have to visit the snow more often it is so beautiful, well until the next day when it is mushy and brown and not as nice as the day before,lol. You go outside and listen to it falling on the ground, and the silence in the air,
Yeah, my cousin is from Florida, and she moved up here for college. She had a heart attack when I noticed it was flurrying. She ran back to her car as I walked, and bounced in her seat. She wanted to get home and back into the garage.
I wish it would just stay at 3-6 inches of snow. Once it gets over a foot, I'm not a happy camper! When I lived at home, I remember having to use the snow-blower to get a path for our terriers! They would bound through the deep snow anyways, but it would get stuck in their belly-fur. Ugh.

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