OMG I sleepwalk?!!?!!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Bristol, , United Kingdom
I'm really scared!

Steve said to me this morning... no, yesterday morning? Anyway, he said 'you were up and about a lot last night, were you ok? And I said 'I didn't get up once, not even for the toilet?' ......... To which he replied 'Well, on more than one occasion I woke up and you weren't there next to me...'..............


He said I got up last night as well, although not as much... I have absolutely NO recollection of getting up at all, although both nights, and recently, I've been sleeping really badly- I just always wake up feeling like I haven't really been comfortable or rested enough (LOL- probably not if I was wandering around!)

I'm so worried now, what if I am sleepwalking?! It also might be a coincidence but yesterday morning, Steve went downstairs to find that Barney and Snowy's cage was open, and Snowy was sat sleeping at the bottom of the stairs :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:

Also, last Friday, we woke up at 6am to the sound of all 4 bunnies running round the house- both pairs had let themselves out of their cage! :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:

Now, the bunnies could have escaped themselves somehow, but what if I am sleepwalking? Worse, sleepwalking and letting them out?!!

Has anyone else had a problem with sleepwalking before? What on EARTH can I do?! I'm half very amused and half terrified LOL!
Yikes! Good luck with the sleep walking!

As for the bunnies, perhaps you could put a combination lock on their cage, and write the code on a sheet of paper next to it. I'm not sure if you would be able to undo a lock while you're sleepwalking, but that's all I can really think of. The only problem is if there's an emergency, you might not get them out on time. :?

Maybe you could put a lock on your bedroom door, one that locks from the inside, so that if you do get up, you'll only be in your bedroom, and your husband would be there if you tripped or something.

Good luck!
I was a sleepwalker when I was a child.
It was pretty scary for my well as me.

I don't have any problems with it now though.

I don't know what caused it or why it stopped.

There are alarm devices that you can get that will alert others that you are up and wandering around in your sleep.

Here's one link....
awww Hon I used to do it too. I think you tend to do it more when you are stressed. I nearly flooded the bathroom once just as well my mum got up behind me and took the plugs out :pAgain I am liek Jim as far as I know I havent doen it since i was a teenager. I hope you can find something to help you
JimD wrote:
There are alarm devices that you can get that will alert others that you are up and wandering around in your sleep.
A door buzzer alarm on the bedroom door might be a good, inexpensive idea.
That's really funny, and scary! I've only sleep walked once when I was very young, But I have a friend who often sleep walks around to play on the Playstation etc. One time I was sleeping round her house and she sat up in bed and started screaming, I asked what was wrong and she said, "I told you not to show me that little mermaid pillow!" in a really evil voice. I didn't sleep very well that night either! :shock:
This was happening to one of my coworkers last year (she was about 33 at the time) and was desperately trying to plan her wedding in a very short period of time as he soon to be father-in-law didn't have long before he died; so she was SO stressed out and busy at the time that she started to sleep walk. She would make sandwhiches and/or pull out all of her pots and pans.

Scared her to death, but her internist told her it would probably go away once the stress level subsided (which it did). She started during this time to do Yoga (just picked up a DVD) and that helped her feel more relaxed.. I think the behaviour lasted for about 4 months and was not every night but a few times each month.

Good luck and sorry I know its serious about letting the buns out - but it did make me giggle a little - can you imagine what they must be thinking when Mom comes in the middle of the night and lets them romp about un attended? They must think you ROCK right now - lol...:)
Lol. thanks guys! I've done a bit of reading, and like you guys (Polly and Jim) said, everything I find says it mainly occurs in teenagers, and disappears in early adulthood... Well I'm 24 next week, so definately past that stage now lol!

Thanks Mikoli for the idea about the locks... That might be one to try if it gets really bad!

I don't know what to do really, apart from see if it continues, and I guess go to see my doctor? It's worrying to think though, that I could be up around the house in the middle of the night letting all the bunnies out, and god knows what else! :shock:

Thank you though!
juliew19673 wrote:
This was happening to one of my coworkers last year (she was about 33 at the time) and was desperately trying to plan her wedding in a very short period of time as he soon to be father-in-law didn't have long before he died; so she was SO stressed out and busy at the time that she started to sleep walk. She would make sandwhiches and/or pull out all of her pots and pans.

Scared her to death, but her internist told her it would probably go away once the stress level subsided (which it did). She started during this time to do Yoga (just picked up a DVD) and that helped her feel more relaxed.. I think the behaviour lasted for about 4 months and was not every night but a few times each month.

Good luck and sorry I know its serious about letting the buns out - but it did make me giggle a little - can you imagine what they must be thinking when Mom comes in the middle of the night and lets them romp about un attended? They must think you ROCK right now - lol...:)
LOL! Thanks Julie- I'd been laughing about that too- it's not so bad if I let Barney and Snowy out- they're really trustworthy and won't eat any cables or damage anything, but Mouse and Chalk? Guaranteed carnage!!!

I guess I have been stressed recently, with the move and Chalk and everything, but that's all subsided now, and I'm much less stressed, apart from the everyday being ill, not working etc, but I've been living with that for a year now so it's nothing new? I had read that it could be related to alcohol intake, but on the nights that it's supposedly happened, I hadn't drank any!

I just hope I don't do something really big lol... We're going to shut all the other doors tonight, so that if I do let the bunnies out or something, they wont be able to get into the other rooms and chew wires at least!
I always think thats the worst time Jen ya know you go through all the stressful stuff and you cope because you have to then afterwards it starts bothering you. I hope you get a good kip tonight. as a by the by could you maybe try using essential oils? a bit of lavendar can be good :)I know its not going to cure sleepwalking but it may help if its the stress factor
I agree, stress can sure make you do weird things... have you been taking any medications that might cause you to not remember getting up in the night?

It is kinda cute about the bunnies being out and Snowy sleeping at the bottom of the stairs :)they were all O.K... that's the main thing. Do you think they could have gotten out on their own? maybe you were going down there for some late time snuggle time and didn't know it.

I think Jims idea is a good one - do something to alert Steve or you if you are doing so you can find out if you are sleepwalking or just not remembering your getting up in the middle of the night for whatever reason.
I only know of one time that I was sleepwalking. I lived in Colorado at the time in a home that had sliding glass doors going out into the backyard. One night I woke up standing in the back yard in the snow in my nightshirt!
Jenson wrote:
That's really funny, and scary! I've only sleep walked once when I was very young, But I have a friend who often sleep walks around to play on the Playstation etc. One time I was sleeping round her house and she sat up in bed and started screaming, I asked what was wrong and she said, "I told you not to show me that little mermaid pillow!" in a really evil voice. I didn't sleep very well that night either!

That really is scary, Jen!:shock: I have no experience with this, but my husband did a few times years ago before I met him. He told me that one night when he still lived in an apartment, he was outside on the sidewalk in front of the complex (off a busy street) middle of the night, peeing!:shock::shock: I guess he did that in the closet before too, lol!

I hope you get this resolved, very scary, especially if you are letting the buns out:shock:. I say get the door alarm the others suggested, sounds like a cheap fix!;)
Are you on any medications? Your surgery, moving, and all of that could be a stress issue for you....

New house..... worrying about the bunnies ....

Can you put a noisy bell on the bedroom door or the bunnyroom door? If you tell yourself over and over that you hear the bell (and ring it while you think of it) you know you need to wake up.
polly wrote:
I always think thats the worst time Jen ya know you go through all the stressful stuff and you cope because you have to then afterwards it starts bothering you. I hope you get a good kip tonight. as a by the by could you maybe try using essential oils? a bit of lavendar can be good :)I know its not going to cure sleepwalking but it may help if its the stress factor

I must go with Polly on this its the "after-affects" of stress that most people tend to deal with as when you are stressed you have enough to keep you occupied... Its the coming off of the stress that I find I personally, physically, have a harder time dealing witih and this is when I get sick.. And you being so young, may just be physically figuring this out.

Hope all of this advice gives you some "blue-print" in how to deal with the sleep walking.. Update and let us know if your buns get another "midnight" romp..
Well, I woke up this morning, and Chalk and Mouse were just running around the house, free as birds! :shock: I don't know whether I sleptwalked/sleepwalked- (how do you say that?!) downstairs, let them out and then went back to bed, or if the cheeky things escaped themselves somehow? I didn't sleep any better last night though! I don't remember waking up very much, but I just felt like I hadn't slept well, or hadn't rested much? I don't remember any of my dreams either, like I normally do...

DEFINATELY think the door alarm is a good idea though!

Although, the bunnies getting out could just be them- we've just taken Chalk to the vets (see my thread in the Infirmary about it), and came back to Mouse hopping about the living room again! :shock:

I'm not on any medication anymore, and haven't been for weeks, although I did just start taking a new contraceptive pill last week, but I'm sure that couldn't have done it? I think you guys may be rght about the after-effects of stress though! :?
I don't sleep walk but i do sometimes sleep with my eyes open, and i talk often to.

My friends always laugh at me, we were all sleeping round a friends house and apparently i sat up and shouted 'I can't! I'm a mermaid! I only have a fin!' and went back to sleep.
I'd like to be able to clean the litter pans in my sleep :zzzzz(jk)

Binky has been our recent "houdini" bun.
She manages to spin the plastic clip I use to lock the cages, and somehow she finds the little space where they unclip.
I thought it was me leaving the cage door unclipped....until I caught her escaping the other day. ;)