OMG I am on rabbits online with my Iphone!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I just wanted to let everyone know that I just got my Iphone yesterday and right now I am sitting in bed typing this message on my iphone is this pretty cool or what! Not only can I reply and post but I can see all the cool pictures. Do you think I will ever go to sleep? LOL!
I just have to say this!

My son was at my mom's today, and she got upset with him cuz he didn't tell her where he was going one time today. He called me to talk it out and while talking to him, he said my mom messenged/texted him while on the call. I had no idea that could be done, too cool! I thought you could only receive them when not on a call. Amazing.:panic:
Haha! That is pretty cool! My phone does internet, but you can't for some reason use an underscore when you're typing in stuff when online.... This had me most upset when I tried to log into RO when I was in hospital, and I was cursing my username lol...

Steve has an iPhone, and he's OBSESSED with it! He uses it a lot to answer work emails, etc, but in restaurants? When we're having dinner? He did that yesterday! :X The other day, we were in Waterstone's (bookshop) looking at travel guides for our holiday, and Steve reckoned you could get them cheaper on Amazon. So, while I was stood there, looking at them all and seeing which ones were best, he stood there, on his iPhone, ordering them from Amazon at half the price LOL! :biggrin2:

You've got to hand it to Apple, they do make pretty good stuff. I'm totally an Apple convert now!
iPhones again:shock:! my friend was just enthusing about them yesterday. and the boy doesn't even have one!(rolling my eyes here:biggrin2:)
You've got to hand it to Apple, they do make pretty good stuff. I'm totally an Apple convert now!-mouse_chalk

yep Apple is pretty darn good, we've recently got the new apple mac. Its awesome! still wish i had an iphone though.

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