I see what the vet is going for, based on looking in Lucile Moore's Rabbit Nutrition and Natural Healing. [You may want to get a copy, from Amazon or wherever.] Alfalfa sprouts have virtually no oxalates & twice as much potassium as calcium; while cilantro has more oxalates, & more calcium than potassium. But Romaine is nearly as good as alfalfa sprouts in this regard & probably easier to get. If you give parsley, I'd eliminate it and substitute wheat bran for rolled oats.
Based on what pages 113-4 say, if Olivia were mine I'd get some probiotics [vegetarian & active in the intestines, not the stomach] and potassium-magnesium citrate [liquid form or in gelatin capsules that can be opened to give rabbit-sized doses]. Both are available at vitacost.com. The probiotics Honey & I are using are by Futurebiotics & are called Longest-Lived Acidophilus. The potassium-magnesium citrate is based on what seems to work for humans. Adding lemon, lime, or orange juice may also help with kidney stones.