Olivia's Urine

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2011
Reaction score
Hampton, Virginia, USA
They tested her urine and it has too much calcium in it. I feed her cilantro which doesnt have alot of calcium in it. So i dont know why there is so much in her urine. The vet told me to switch to Alfalfa sprouts for a little while and see if it helps. If it doesnt, then they want me to bring her back in for an x-ray and make sure she doesnt have a bladder stone:? As if my daughter's surgery wasnt enough
I see what the vet is going for, based on looking in Lucile Moore's Rabbit Nutrition and Natural Healing. [You may want to get a copy, from Amazon or wherever.] Alfalfa sprouts have virtually no oxalates & twice as much potassium as calcium; while cilantro has more oxalates, & more calcium than potassium. But Romaine is nearly as good as alfalfa sprouts in this regard & probably easier to get. If you give parsley, I'd eliminate it and substitute wheat bran for rolled oats.

Based on what pages 113-4 say, if Olivia were mine I'd get some probiotics [vegetarian & active in the intestines, not the stomach] and potassium-magnesium citrate [liquid form or in gelatin capsules that can be opened to give rabbit-sized doses]. Both are available at vitacost.com. The probiotics Honey & I are using are by Futurebiotics & are called Longest-Lived Acidophilus. The potassium-magnesium citrate is based on what seems to work for humans. Adding lemon, lime, or orange juice may also help with kidney stones.
Well, I did find the alfalfa sprouts and she really likes them. I tried the Romaine also and she wont touch it. She tipped the bowl over and then peed on them, and then turned her back to them and hasnt looked at them since. I guess she told me how she feels about that haha :)
Good to hear about her liking the sprouts.

Bunnies will definitely tell you what they like and don't like. Her reaction is the same as my boys with fruit. The only fruit they like is apples. We did sneak a raisin in.

K :)
She is the pickiest eater I have ever seen. I think she's just really mad about not having her cilantro.That is her absolute favorite green! Shes been giving me the cold shoulder. She usually greets me in the morning (runs up and down the front of her cage so I will let her out) and this morning I came out of the bedroom and she turned her back to me. So shes definitely letting me know she isnt happy with me right now

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