Olivia is losing weight

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2011
Reaction score
Hampton, Virginia, USA
Ok, when Olivia had her spay surgery she was 7 pounds 8 oz. I took her in for her checkup and she had lost a pound. So she was 6 pounds 7.5 ounces. I thought maybe it was because she didnt feel good after surgery. Right now she is at 6 pounds 6 ounces. The vet said they arent overly concerned about it but she does need to be monitored. Why is she losing so much weight? Isn't that alot for a rabbit in a short period of time? What can I do?
Here is a picture I took of her today. She even looks thin to me.

I have found with Gary I have to feed him more than what is recommended for the "average" rabbit in order for him to maintain his weight. He just LOVES to run! He runs until he literally flops over sound alseep, then runs some more. Perhaps it is a rex thing? If she is always on the go you may need to up her pellet ration. I think the normal recommendations are for lazier buns (like my other three, they snooze as proper rabbits should) :)
Her activity level and eating are the same. I thought she would have gained weight after surgery because she couldn't come out and play for the first few days. Brandy, I give her a 1/4 cup to 1/2 a cup of pellets a day. Should I give her more than that? Maybe it is a rex thing because when she plays she plays hard. She runs and jumps all the time
I would go with at least the 1/2 cup. Perhaps add some steal cut oats as well? I give Becky and Gary two table spoons on top of their pellets every morning. They love it, makes their fur extra nice, and helps them maintain their weight. They both tend to drop if they don't get little "extras". I hate to admit, I like that I can give them snacks without worrying about the poundage.

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