Well-Known Member
Thanks to everyone here I found out what a NIC cage was and made one. The only thing I had to buy was the cube thingies and zip ties. My dad had everything else I needed in the garage. So I thought I'd post pictures. The case of the cubes I got had big holed ones and small holed. I put the small around the bottom so he couldn't get out but the bigger ones are on top.. Around his shelf I put in there I put stuff so he can't fit his head through and made sure it was all bunny proof. I think he approves, but I am not sure.
One question though, he is pooping on the floor in some spots, but still using his litter box do you think he is just stressed or mad or something because I changed where he is living? Will he start using his litter box normal again? Thanks.
As you can see on the litter box Oliver has a bit of a chewing problem... But the brat has about 5 million toys he can chew on. Sigh.
One question though, he is pooping on the floor in some spots, but still using his litter box do you think he is just stressed or mad or something because I changed where he is living? Will he start using his litter box normal again? Thanks.

As you can see on the litter box Oliver has a bit of a chewing problem... But the brat has about 5 million toys he can chew on. Sigh.