I have a rabbit that is 10 weeks old. It was healthy when I brought it home. About a week later Oliver started sneezing and had a discharge of yellow in color. I took him to the vet the next week and it had cleared up, I had been giving him rabbitRx. then a few days later it started again so I took him back to the vet. The vet thought it was snuffles and began daily shots of Baytril for 5 days. Again it cleared for a few days. The vet at this point thinks it's allergies from the hay. So I took all the hay out of his cage removed the newspaper pellet bedding and replaced them with paper towels and fresh kale, parsley and pellet food. I tried the copressed hay cubes but he still had sneezing attacks. I started giving him rescon dm 1x per day to get the allergy under control but it gets better than worse. What am I doing WRONG?? I don't want him to die but I cant continue to guess and spend money not knowing what it is... I also shampooed my carpets and have 2 cats. He acts normal otherwise. He eats and plays.... The main ingredient int he pellets is alfalfa hay... could that be it or does he need more antibiotics?