Oldie but a Goodie Saying hello :)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2008
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Hello fellow bunner mad folks.

I used to be lemonaxis and I got all lost when I could not login anymore (did not have my old email anymore, password etc so I have been allowed a username change...YAY!) and now I have internet access again and a beautiful happy bunnie family that has grown but still has the old Jazz and Slipper :) Aagh my babies :)

I missed you all very much.

Below is a mysterious preview of my new blog...all I am going to say is that YES those are babies, and theres a story behind this gorgeous pic, but you will have to wait...lol

Okay I cave, These are Jazz's bubs, a unexpected lot as we thought we had two girl buns but after 3 misdiagnosed genderising sessions...it turned out Husker was in fact a boy, albeit a rather ...uh how shall we say...not well endowed little fellow and his 2 mins with Jazz ended up with this lot!

Husker now lives with a rabbit lover a few fams down the road from me.

We have moved to a great new rural property with tons of space and my new rabbit set up is so cool.

My poor buns have been through so much (sharing cages with piggies and being housed up too much) but now they have it all. Freedom, space, cuddles and the proper care they deserve, today I built them a super sized bun run.

More to come... :)


[align=center]:DHello Jim, hi Wabbit Dad and hiya Angieluv:D

I am having quite a bit of difficulty with my dial up connection, so going to stick to my blog for now....I do have lots more pics and am SO happy to be back among friends, have missed RO like crazy.

Can only get dial up where I live now so it will be a while until any broadband is available so things like photobucket takes ages and ages.

Hi! Welcome back!

I just have to say...... OMG!!! That picture is sooooo cute! 'Group cuddle...' lol... I'm definately going to look at your blog, and plot some bunnynapping plans.... :p

Jen xx

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