Older Bunny Adoption

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New Member
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction score
NORFOLK, Nebraska, USA
Hi Everyone,

I just adopted an older bunny and I did quite a bit of research before getting him. I went to the store to buy a baby bunny but I saw him in a cage by himself and I just fell in love. I figured everyone would probably wanted to buy new baby bunnies and this little guy probably had it rough if he ended back at the pet store.

But my question is he is six years old and isn't neutered. I would like to get him neutered being that he (assuming) marks his territory by leaving little pebbles everywhere.

Would he be too old to get neutered? And if I where able to would he stop leaving me little messes everywhere.

He does the majority of his business in his litter pan but I think he is trying to impress me with his poop or something ;)
He is not too old to be neutered, but there can be more risks as he is older. Getting blood work done is a good idea to make sure he is healthy. Make sure you go to a rabbit savvy vet as they know more about rabbits and should be able to do more if something were to happen.

Most rabbits do leave poops around. This is to mark their territory and the will usually only do it around the edge of their territory. Neutering really won't help this.
We have had rabbits neutered in that age range at the shelter but the vets we use are highly experienced in rabbit spays/neuter

He would need to get lab work to check out how his organs are functioning and a general health check prior to the surgery . Animals tend to recover quicker when laser is used rather than traditonal surgery and you probably would want to get pain meds for him for a few days.


Yeah Harvey got much better with his litter box habits when he was neutered but sometimes he'll just do the bunny poops next to the litter box, rather than in it.

Or a few stray here and there. That didn't/doesn't bother me nearly as much as when he was peeing all over the place. Yuck.
Neutering should definitely help with him pooping everywhere, but he'll probably still leave some poops around his litter box or in his cage/pen/area. So long as the pee goes in the box and the poops are corralled to a small area, it doesn't bother me too much. I just vacuum them up when they start to spread too far afield. ;)

Hope that helps!


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