Older bun, what to feed to help her gain weight?

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May 23, 2010
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NW, Michigan, USA
My female, Cads is just a little bit thinner than normal. She eats mostly timothy hay cubes and small amount of pellets. Romaine too. Is there anything I can feed her to help her bulk back up? Right now she eats Manna pro show, is there a better food for older ones?
Has she always been thin of has it happened recently?
Parasites can cause weight loss and make it hard to gain weight. You can get a fecal test done at a vet and if it is positive you can de worm her. This may take a few treatments to get all the parasites or worms, but will help in the long run.
Other issues can also make it hard to gain weight. Tooth problems make it hard for them to eat and can make is harder to digest the food (if it is not chewed well). Pain or other problems can also make a rabbit not want to eat as much.
I would take her to a vet for a check up and fecal test.

While older rabbits can have some trouble keeping weight on, giving some alfalfa (Manna pro is an alfalfa pellet) can usually help. A laid back rabbit doesn't burn as many calories, so should not have as much trouble keeping weight in like and active rabbit would.
I'm no expert, but how about a little bit of oats? One of my buns was sick with intestinal problems her whole (short) life and had trouble keeping weight on and I was told by fellow forum members to supplement her with some rolled oats. It helped! I gave her about a teaspoon a day.
Before my older bun passed last fall, he was pretty skinny and had lost a lot of condition.

I would definitely worm her first. You can easily do this yourself. Just go buy a horse wormer (Panacur, Safeguard...) and give her a pea sized drop in her mouth.

Oats, calf manna, black oil sunflower seeds and alfalfa, are all what I was giving my rabbit on a daily basis to help him recover his lost weight and condition.
