Ok its taken a while to say this

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Cornwall, , United Kingdom
we went away for a weekend and my neighgour waslooking after my buns, she was due to go on hoilday the day wereturned, she left as 6:00am and we got home at 2:00pm our house hadbeen broken into and the buns have been stolen, I just dontget it, the telly and pc are still here but my babys are gone
OMG! I am in SHOCK!!! :shock:Why would some one do that!!!

I am so sorry to hearthis

I dont know what it would be like to loose my babies.

OMG I am just so sad, for you and the buns.

Yep I called the police they said that rabbitsare not as important as a person, i should give the rehomeing sheltersa ring, i am so cross with them, they seem to think buns are notimportant.
:shock2:OMG !!!! What :Beep,Beep,Beep:

It sounds like, someone knew about the buns, and it also sounds like they knew you were on holiday. I smell a rat !!!!

What have the police said. Have you tried to put up posters, with a reward, they may just fall for it.

Im really sorry to hear this :tears2:
My buns weren't micro chipped so they said justWait and see, yeah right how am I supposed to do this? i really love mybuns but why would someone want to steel them ,they aren't evenregistered, i just don't understand.
I am so very sorry -- I can't even imagine howdevastated you must be. I hopewith all my heartthat your babies will be returned.

Have you put up signs? Offered a reward?I'm hoping it was just some misguided kids and I pray your babies willmake it back to you.


Yep loads of signs, my printer is worn out,don't know what else to do? the police said that people aresteeling all animals and asking for a meager ransom, i did know aboutthis but i thought they only steeled dogs, thats why I have my dogsregistered with petback.
Omg! I am SO sorry. I would break out in tearsfor a wholemonth if Emmy gotten stolen! I will keepyour buns in my prayer. Take care :tears2:
thanks, i know that zebedee and molly wouldn'tbe to bad without me, but Shawn doesn't eat if im not around and hechews his fur off, he was my first and my baby, Its all happened in aweek, my babys have gone, we have a new puppy, and my bitch is pregnantI don't know if I should be up or down
That's TERRIBLE! Why would someonebe so cruel as to steal someone's rabbits?! They must have known youwere gone. That makes me so angry.
Dearest Sam,

You poor dear soul. I would be beside myself. I don't really know whatto say. My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to you. You Poor PoorThing. I can't believe it. I'm at a loss for words. I wish I could findsomething comforting to say, but the only thing that will comfort youis their return. Good Lord. What kind of psychos are living in thisworld with us. I do hope you patched the house up, of course, so thatthey can't get in again. My heart breaks for you. I'm so Very VerySorry.


Really...you think you know who it was?? HowAWFUL!! That makes it 100x worse!!!! Now...we gotta devise aplan to find out. Is it someone that wanted your bunnies, or justsomeone wanting to be an @ss?
someone wanting to be an ***, I have reportedthem before, about heir dog, and the noise they make so my guess isthey wanted to get back ?at me, they have heard me talking rubbish tomy buns so they know how much i love them
Hang in there...I can't imagine how tough that'dbe!!!! Wish there was more I could do to help!!! I'd ask thepolice to go over and have a chat with them...or send someone else thatcould keep a cool head...

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