OK I need some advice.......

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Mar 9, 2011
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Tacoma WA, , USA
So as most of you know I live in a condo building. Well for the last couple of months we have been going threw a nightmare ordeal with our neighbor two doors down. She is around 55 and totally off her nut but she is very well put together looks wise. So she does not exactly look like a nut thus she has been dubbed "Loony bin Barbie". The problem with looney bin is that she picks people out in the building and she makes there life a total nightmare. Jason and I are on this list and in two months she has put in 57 complaints with the property manager for "harassment". The catch is that we NEVER speak to loony bin...Well she is also tormenting a friend of ours in the building AND a lady who I do not really know who happens to be a small business owner. She owns one of antique stores across the street.
Anyway...Antique store lady is her number 1 target and between the four of us there have been over 200 complaints. Well the office finally told her that she is barred from making complaints cause they always turn out to be false.
So about two weeks ago someone egged loony bin's car. Mind you she parks it on the street in the middle of four crazy nightclubs. Her car was egged Wednesday night and was noted by the shop owners Thursday afternoon. OK so looney bin did not see the egg's until Friday morning (she does not get out much). She called the police at noon Friday and told them that at 1.30am FRIDAY morning she saw the shop owner lady egging her car.....Well even though the cop completely did not believe her and the other shops gave a signed statement saying the eggs were there Thursday the court house granted looney bin a hearing to try and get a restraining order against shop keeper.
She was told basically to stop writing complaints to the building and has now taken her nuttiness to court. Shop keeper asked me and my friend who is also looney bin's victim to appear with her in court and give a statement....My friend says we MUST do this for shop keeper but I do not feel comfortable. If loony bin gets her restraining order shop keeper will no longer be allowed to live in her home! But I am worried that if loony bin see's me or my friend in the court room she will attempt to get these orders against us as well which is a HUGE possibility! The court has a habit of handing out restraining orders like candy. If we don't go then shop keeper could be in big trouble but if we do go she could come after us next...Very torn considering Jason and I have been off loony bin's radar for a couple weeks now. What would YOU do?
I'd definitely be a witness. Say she kicks out Shop Owner, she will then switch her attention over to you guys; and if she fails, then she's likely to switch to you guys anyway. I think you should all try and have her up on something; surely there must be something? Harassment maybe? You can't just keep on targeting people like that.
Or yeah, just try submitting statements or something.
Could you guys try to get a restraining order against her and get HER removed from the building since she is the one causing all the issues and has a history of harassing neighbors?
I would...just for the sake you know she would have your back if loony sent you to court for something...You should be able to get a restraining order against her and see if she can be evicted. There are laws about people who rent out that have to make it livable conditions. Harassment and threats (which taking someone to court is kinda a threat, could hurt her business or reputation)

We had a neighbor who would fight with their bf every night. Slammed doors ect..she was gone in a month.
I would get everyone together and get a restraining order against here--all the false claims can be documented. I'd also file with everyone included, a harassment claim with the police. You could take her to court and sue for monetary damages too. When we lived in CA, several people got together and sued the owner of a house that was letting their drug dealing daughter live there--they won the case and the parents had to sell the house to pay the judgement so the crackhead had to move. I'd also follow up with the District Attorney about a claim of harassment as well as the city attorney as you do have rights and they aren't protecting you. We had a neighbor like that and the city wouldn't do anything til I threatened the City attorney with a civil suit--next day there were seven different inspectors from the city that had been called dozens of times. He had to haul off the refrigerator from his front yard (3 years), 3 derelict cars, a boat that had sat in his driveway for 8 years on 4 flats, clean his back yard, cut his weeds down, etc. The funny thing is he thought it was the other neighbor next door as he'd called and complained about him parking his motor home on the street for one day.
Thanks everyone. Its a great point that if shop keeper has to move that she might turn her sights on us or someone else. She is looking for ATTENTION! I actually did try to take out a anti-harassment against her but was told there is nothing in harassment law about filing false complaints. Our only course of action is to sue her directly and our lawyer says that is not wise cause she is on social security and a court would most likely throw it out. The thing is she has NEVER confronted us directly. We see her in the hall and she does not even look. When the complaints started rolling in it took awhile before we even know who was making them. The only person she has ever really confronted is our friend and our friend got so mad she called her a "dirty junkie". Loony bin has a substance problem. When our friend called her this Loony replied with "Ohhh I got you now, Tomorrow...Harassment" She tells these crazy lies and that is the reason she was granted a hearing cause she lies.

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