So as most of you know I live in a condo building. Well for the last couple of months we have been going threw a nightmare ordeal with our neighbor two doors down. She is around 55 and totally off her nut but she is very well put together looks wise. So she does not exactly look like a nut thus she has been dubbed "Loony bin Barbie". The problem with looney bin is that she picks people out in the building and she makes there life a total nightmare. Jason and I are on this list and in two months she has put in 57 complaints with the property manager for "harassment". The catch is that we NEVER speak to loony bin...Well she is also tormenting a friend of ours in the building AND a lady who I do not really know who happens to be a small business owner. She owns one of antique stores across the street.
Anyway...Antique store lady is her number 1 target and between the four of us there have been over 200 complaints. Well the office finally told her that she is barred from making complaints cause they always turn out to be false.
So about two weeks ago someone egged loony bin's car. Mind you she parks it on the street in the middle of four crazy nightclubs. Her car was egged Wednesday night and was noted by the shop owners Thursday afternoon. OK so looney bin did not see the egg's until Friday morning (she does not get out much). She called the police at noon Friday and told them that at 1.30am FRIDAY morning she saw the shop owner lady egging her car.....Well even though the cop completely did not believe her and the other shops gave a signed statement saying the eggs were there Thursday the court house granted looney bin a hearing to try and get a restraining order against shop keeper.
She was told basically to stop writing complaints to the building and has now taken her nuttiness to court. Shop keeper asked me and my friend who is also looney bin's victim to appear with her in court and give a statement....My friend says we MUST do this for shop keeper but I do not feel comfortable. If loony bin gets her restraining order shop keeper will no longer be allowed to live in her home! But I am worried that if loony bin see's me or my friend in the court room she will attempt to get these orders against us as well which is a HUGE possibility! The court has a habit of handing out restraining orders like candy. If we don't go then shop keeper could be in big trouble but if we do go she could come after us next...Very torn considering Jason and I have been off loony bin's radar for a couple weeks now. What would YOU do?
Anyway...Antique store lady is her number 1 target and between the four of us there have been over 200 complaints. Well the office finally told her that she is barred from making complaints cause they always turn out to be false.
So about two weeks ago someone egged loony bin's car. Mind you she parks it on the street in the middle of four crazy nightclubs. Her car was egged Wednesday night and was noted by the shop owners Thursday afternoon. OK so looney bin did not see the egg's until Friday morning (she does not get out much). She called the police at noon Friday and told them that at 1.30am FRIDAY morning she saw the shop owner lady egging her car.....Well even though the cop completely did not believe her and the other shops gave a signed statement saying the eggs were there Thursday the court house granted looney bin a hearing to try and get a restraining order against shop keeper.
She was told basically to stop writing complaints to the building and has now taken her nuttiness to court. Shop keeper asked me and my friend who is also looney bin's victim to appear with her in court and give a statement....My friend says we MUST do this for shop keeper but I do not feel comfortable. If loony bin gets her restraining order shop keeper will no longer be allowed to live in her home! But I am worried that if loony bin see's me or my friend in the court room she will attempt to get these orders against us as well which is a HUGE possibility! The court has a habit of handing out restraining orders like candy. If we don't go then shop keeper could be in big trouble but if we do go she could come after us next...Very torn considering Jason and I have been off loony bin's radar for a couple weeks now. What would YOU do?