Well-Known Member
[align=center]Can You Help These Bunnies? [/align]
Buckeye HRS volunteers have learned of a very serious rabbitoverpopulation situation in a private home where 80-90 rabbits arerunning loose in the bedrooms, basement, garage, and attic. Volunteersare currently trying to round up, separate, and provide cages for allof these rabbits. We need to find homes for them quickly or they may beat risk of being destroyed.
Volunteers are currently working with the owner to get theserabbits separated to prevent any more pregnancies; there are currently1-2 litters born every week. Most of the rabbits are in good health andare being fed pellets and water, however, they are living in filthyconditions and some are even escaping from the garage and running loosein the neighborhood.
We currently need donations of cages, carriers, humane traps,hay, pellets, food dishes, and water bottles. We also welcome anymonetary donations for veterinary care, especially for spay/neutersurgeries.
What we need more that anything else are both temporary and permanent homes for these sweet little bunnies
I volunteer with Buckeye HRS and we are tying to help theserabbits. After a second all day visit to this person's home,we may be dealing with over 100 rabbits. Pleasenote: this is in not a breeder. She startedout with a pair of rabbits at Easter - unspayed and unneutered - housedtogether. This is the result of months of uncontrolled,unintentional breeding. She could not stand to see therabbits caged or penned. Now she realizes she is in way overher head and needshelp.
She contacted HRS for help after realizing she can no longer afford tofeed and care for the rabbits. She thought she only had 35rabbits. The first day, we rounded up 77. We havetaken over many, many supplies for these rabbits - hay, pellets, cages,food crocks, water bottles, etc. In addition, we have hauledout many bags of used, filthy straw, cleaned rabbits, sexed them andseperated, scrubbed walls and floors, etc.
98% of these rabbits are black and white Dutch bunnies. Theother 2% are fawn and white. It's likely many of the femalesare pregnant. We are trying to get some pictures up on theweb site.
Please check out the Buckeye HRS web site alert. If you canfoster, adopt or loan some cages, please contact Kristen (info on theweb site) or pm me here. This person is not a 'bad'person. She is in need of help and at least has recognizedthat fact. She has managed to keep them fed and in goodhealth but is now overwhelmed.
Prayers and good thoughts will also be greatly appreciated!
Thanks! Ann//seniorcats
Buckeye HRS volunteers have learned of a very serious rabbitoverpopulation situation in a private home where 80-90 rabbits arerunning loose in the bedrooms, basement, garage, and attic. Volunteersare currently trying to round up, separate, and provide cages for allof these rabbits. We need to find homes for them quickly or they may beat risk of being destroyed.
Volunteers are currently working with the owner to get theserabbits separated to prevent any more pregnancies; there are currently1-2 litters born every week. Most of the rabbits are in good health andare being fed pellets and water, however, they are living in filthyconditions and some are even escaping from the garage and running loosein the neighborhood.
We currently need donations of cages, carriers, humane traps,hay, pellets, food dishes, and water bottles. We also welcome anymonetary donations for veterinary care, especially for spay/neutersurgeries.
What we need more that anything else are both temporary and permanent homes for these sweet little bunnies
I volunteer with Buckeye HRS and we are tying to help theserabbits. After a second all day visit to this person's home,we may be dealing with over 100 rabbits. Pleasenote: this is in not a breeder. She startedout with a pair of rabbits at Easter - unspayed and unneutered - housedtogether. This is the result of months of uncontrolled,unintentional breeding. She could not stand to see therabbits caged or penned. Now she realizes she is in way overher head and needshelp.
She contacted HRS for help after realizing she can no longer afford tofeed and care for the rabbits. She thought she only had 35rabbits. The first day, we rounded up 77. We havetaken over many, many supplies for these rabbits - hay, pellets, cages,food crocks, water bottles, etc. In addition, we have hauledout many bags of used, filthy straw, cleaned rabbits, sexed them andseperated, scrubbed walls and floors, etc.
98% of these rabbits are black and white Dutch bunnies. Theother 2% are fawn and white. It's likely many of the femalesare pregnant. We are trying to get some pictures up on theweb site.
Please check out the Buckeye HRS web site alert. If you canfoster, adopt or loan some cages, please contact Kristen (info on theweb site) or pm me here. This person is not a 'bad'person. She is in need of help and at least has recognizedthat fact. She has managed to keep them fed and in goodhealth but is now overwhelmed.
Prayers and good thoughts will also be greatly appreciated!
Thanks! Ann//seniorcats