Oh where is Zin?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
Some of you may have noticed that Zin (GoinBacktoCali) is missing....for a few days.

I called her today at 2:30 pm to talk to her about our dog Sasha...and get her opinion. Only I woke her up...she was rambling about it being the middle of the night.

I was thinking, "Yeah...right..." till during the conversation it became pretty obvious that she HAD been sleeping and that she was wiped out and that it really was night where she was....

....which is when I finally asked, "Where are you?"

Turns out that Tree's mom (Squid's mom) wanted to meet her - so they all flew to meet her....that's right, Zin, Rusty, Blake & Christian flew to ....


[align=left]She sounds good - but she's gonna be there another four days if I remember right - then she'll have to recover from the jet lag when she gets home...

I'm sure we'll see her around before Halloween..!

(Just kidding - I'm sure it will be much sooner than that)

Jeez - I just got back from Arkansas.

Exciting, exciting... :clown

I hope they're having a blast!
Fifteen hours difference I believe! LOL! So it was like early morning there!

Gosh I want to go there one day!

NZminilops wrote:

I LOVE Australia, it's so much better than NZ, would love to move there.

MICHELLE!!!! thats not a kiwi thing to say! lol remember in NZ, New Zealand is always better than Aussie lol.

I hope they're having a blast =]
Who missed me besides the dogs, the cat, the pig, Moo Cow and Reveille and Ske-Dooosh and Ori?

I't wasn't that it was the middle of the night.. it was early early morning.. it was the jet lag that was kickin my butt..

Prolly the alligators


GoinBackToCali wrote:
Who missed me besides the dogs, the cat, the pig, Moo Cow and Reveille and Ske-Dooosh and Ori?

I't wasn't that it was the middle of the night.. it was early early morning.. it was the jet lag that was kickin my butt..
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Prolly the alligators


GoinBackToCali wrote:
Who missed me besides the dogs, the cat, the pig, Moo Cow and Reveille and Ske-Dooosh and Ori?

I't wasn't that it was the middle of the night.. it was early early morning.. it was the jet lag that was kickin my butt..
i have to ask-what got edited out:D?

glad you're back, that's so funny though, her waking you up :biggrin2:. i waited and waited and waited one saturday to called one of my friends and when i did(at 11am)i swear i woke him up:rollseyes

Bo B Bunny wrote:
Nothing edited out. That's who missed her! ;)

oohh.........geez, maybe i'm sicker than i thought.............:(

baad sore throat, too much school, mom's about to take the mirror down in my bathroom(on sunday, i'm worring extra early)......:panic:

oos, sorry, that's a wee bit rant-y, isn't it:whistling

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