Oh what a day

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Cornwall, , United Kingdom
The vet just rang, Shawn passed away thismorning, my poor baby I feel so bad that I wasnt with him, the vetsthinks its stree related, he stoped eating pulled more fur out and gotthe runs, they tried to rehydtate him, but nothingworked

then I just went out around the block for a walk with the new puppy,and I foundthis bun, oh battery just ran out on camera, hes ablack cross breed, just phoned the RSPCA they wanted me to take him tothe local centre, but thats 50 miles away, so they said they will sendsomeone to collect him, they said it might be today, I said they had toget him today as my dogs are going mad and I have no where to keephim. Oh I feel drained some luck would benice.
I am so sorry you lost Shawn! He wasyour avatar, right? This is just such ashock. I can't believe your police aren't doing anythingabout this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He will be alright now with Buck to take care of him.

I'm SOOOO sorry.....this makes me (and you I'm SURE) madder than ever that the police won't do anything..... :X:X
God i am so sorry'the police should do somethingabout this'it's nothing short of murder in my eye's'poor littlelove'i'd love to get my hand's on who was responsiable.:mad:
I'm so very sorry. This has been suchan emotional roller coaster for you. What aterrible tragedy to lose him now.



I'm so sorry about your lost of your bun, Shawn. What Tragedy. My thoughts and prayers will be with you.


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