Well-Known Member
Ok, so Olivia's vet office has a facebook page. Every week they post a picture and you have to try to figure out what it is. When you guess, your name gets put in a basket and at the end of the week, a name is drawn and that persons wins a prize for their pet. I won last week and Olivia got a free bag of Oxbow Hay. Well, the contest last week was a picture of a tan ball looking thing. I guessed a bladder or kidney stone. Which i was right. This week is the same picture but you have to guess "exactly" what animal it came from. Well, I used to work in a dog rescue and I knew that it was a Struvite bladder stone. So my answer was "It came from a dog. As far as "exactly" its a struvite stone...and they usually come from a female i believe. And the breeds prone to getting them are Miniature Schnauzer, Shih Tzu, Yorkshire Terrier, Labrador Retriever, and Dachshund. So theres my guesses
" Well another girl commented and said "I like how someone stole my answer Struvite from last week."
Ok, seriously?? There is more than just that girl that knows what things are!! Why would she even say that? I guess she is the only one who is allowed to know specifically what something is?? To be honest, I never even read her comment on the previous picture, until I saw her comment on this picture. Yes, she said it was a Struvite stone. SO WHAT:X I know that this is trivial and I shouldnt be letting it get to me, but it really plucked my nerves!!!! I really hope I dont ever see her at the vet:devil
Ok, seriously?? There is more than just that girl that knows what things are!! Why would she even say that? I guess she is the only one who is allowed to know specifically what something is?? To be honest, I never even read her comment on the previous picture, until I saw her comment on this picture. Yes, she said it was a Struvite stone. SO WHAT:X I know that this is trivial and I shouldnt be letting it get to me, but it really plucked my nerves!!!! I really hope I dont ever see her at the vet:devil