oh the joys of a simple step stool

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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
Reaction score
, Massachusetts, USA
lol - both tina and turbo like hiding under the little step stool

I think they will get the bunny cottage - maybe even before Christmas!


Is this what you have?

I glued some ceramic tiles ontop to weight the stooldown and keep it from moving.The tiles are cool tothe touch, so on a hot day,Pebbles would sit on top of it.

Rainbows! :D
hehe...CUTE!! I love the picture of little Pebbles sticking her nose out just that little bit. What a cutie!

Maisie has both one of those hard plastic igloos and I give her boxes(when she's completely demolished the one she has) that have a largehole in the front and a smaller one on the side. She hidesaway in her home most of the time, and is quite hard to find, too,given that she's chinchilla-colored and has filled the bottom floor ofher home with so many newspaper shreddies! Hehe...my littleHidey Bunny! :)