my kitty diego (lives at my parents house) would do that with me. i would go "hey baby" and get a little purr/meow back. . . it always melted my heart
as much as i am a bunny person, i think i am more of a cat person. living day to day without my kitty is soo hard, i go to my parents house sometimes just to spend the afternoon with my cat. . .
My Marley boy made me cry just now. He was in my lap when I played that and he jumped up in front of the monitor and was actually watching them and listening and he looked so sad. I know he misses his girl (the one he lived with before we got him). I really want to get him a friend.
I love kitties! The first video I imagined them saying "You do it" "No you do it" "Its your turn to wake mommy up"...etc. LOL But that could be because mine take turns waking me up.
That was adorable!! they also started grooming eachother!:biggrin2:
They were talking out their problems! so cute!:shock::biggrin2::biggrin2:
quote from the video"
Stina and Mossy (the two cats seen in this video) usually fight instead of talk, so this was an odd moment. They kept "talking" for about 1 hour, constantly. We've had alot of laughs over this clip.. =)