Oh NO!!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Good morning, guys!

Short story...

This morning, the alarm for my husband went off as usual, whichsignalled not getting-out-of-bed time, butsnuggle-more-with-wifey-before-dashing-like-mad-to-work time.(Hehe!)

So, we're enjoying our morning cuddle, and were both just about fallenback asleep, when we hear some chirps getting louder than usual...andlouder...and louder...and CRACKLE!! In the space between thehole in the wall for the air conditioner and the air conditioneritself, a birdie had landed and sounded like it had decided to startits nest!!

Then, just as suddenly, the bed then was shaken a bit earthquake-likeas Sunny came BOUNDING across our legs so she could stand with twofront paws on the wall, trying to reach the air conditioner (she's justabout a foot too short to reach, but she's hopeful), and Hobbes came tosit on the dresser across from the foot of the bed (and then jumpedonto the TOP of the dresser, which we quickly solved by asking him toget down...I could just picture him leaping from there to the littleportion the bird was in, only to land on my face in a final "Oh shoot,I miscalculated" move).

Though the kitties did not (and could not) get into that little spacethe birdie popped into (it sounded like with branches, but might havejust been their little feet clicking around), they sat there for a gooddeal afterward, CONVINCED that birdie would be back!

Needless to say, this has prompted my husband to get that spray-foaminsulator he's been putting off purchasing (due to price) that wouldfill up that hole...poor birdies just don't know what (ahem...WHO) iswaiting on the other side of that thin, plastic divider......not thateither of them could possibly reach that particular spot!

All I could think was, "NOOOO!! Don't nest here!!!"

I think the bunny girls are now CONVINCED they're next, hehe...I'llreassure them that the kitties are too dumb to reach them, though...noworries! :) I could just picture them talking afterward tome, saying, "See, Mama?? They ARE predators...all this timethey were just pretending...I KNEW IT!!"

Hehe...what a morning!
haha-sounds like you have had quite themorning...poor little birdy.....my kitty is horrified of my rabbits andmedium/large parrots...just horrified he runs for his life lolz.My bunshave tried being friendle with him but he doesnt care-he's convincedthey are out to attack him...;) good thing I have large parrots or itwould be the other way around......anyways good morning that gave me agood laugh to start my day....,
Funny thing is, SnuggysMom, the A/C is REALLYloud (enough so that I have to turn it off sometimes, as it gives me aheadache)...they came into the space while the A/C was on! :shock:

My husband will just get something to fill the hole later on (not whilethe bird's in, of course, and if the bird has already built its nest bythat time, eggs and all, then we'll wait and figure out a way to securethings). Bottom line, we sleep right underneath it, so I'mnot worried about them getting to it. I'll take a pic in asecond so you can see what I mean. They (the cats) cannotreach it AT ALL. :)
Here's a picture illustrating just where the A/C is...the windowsill is only an inch up from the bottom of the blinds.

So, they really don't have any way to reach the section the birdie came into (which is on the right side of the A/C).

If they haven't laid eggs yet, I would just goout now, clear out the nest and put something- anythingthere. A tennis ball, a ceramic pot, I knew some people whodid that with a lemon, needless to say that only lasted so long...

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