Well-Known Member
Fair warning: this is NOT about an animal...
Oh, my poor daughter...
So, last night, we're trotting around Target, because we had aChristmas party to go to, and I wanted to buy a nice top and somepretty heels (I NEVER buy clothing or shoes, so this was a nicetreat!), and we were on our way to the car, got in, and all of asudden, we hear, "OH NO!! ****EAR!!" *sigh*
Turns out, my daughter lost her very-well-loved beanie baby teddy bear,lovingly named ****ear, that she's never let leave her side for abouttwo years now. He was so well-loved, he single-pawedly becamea part of our family. Everywhere we went, so did ****ear(despite mine and my husband's trying desperately for him to remain inthe car). He's been to Disneyland, the Santa Monica pier,many times to the beach, to my Aunt's house in Camarillo, to mysister's countless times, to my dad's place in Las Vegas, you nameit...****ear has had many fun travels.
Okay, so the above happened, and my husband and I heard the aboveproclamation, and realized exactly what had happened...grief!So, my husband got out, amid my daughter explaining that she'd hadBooBear in her hand the whole time, but put him in her pocket while shegot a drink out of the water fountain during my husband completing histransaction at the cashier's, and my frantically putting on the newshirt (because we were going directly to the party fromTarget). Needless to say, we went directly from that waterfountain to the car...and not more than five minutes later, my husbandretraced our steps to the cashier's line, and sweet ****ear, the bearthat used to be rainbow-colored, but had all his color loved away,except for his purple nose, little ****ear had vanished.:shock:
My husband asked the cashier, he asked employees standing around, heasked Guest Services...nobody saw the little gray bear with the purplenose. My husband came back to the car empty-handed, much tomy daughter's and my dismay. So, then second shift...Mamagets out of the car (in her new heels, mind you), and retraces oursteps yet again...looks under things, over things, between things,under carts, under feet, under racks of clothing, even checks with thefitting room attendant (just in case) ****ear. So, Ileft my husband's cell phone number (since we would be out) and namewith Guest Services, just in case. I had high hopes thatsomeone had just robotically picked him up and put him in therestocking cart (one of many), not really noticing his color orcondition in the process. My main thought was, that ifanother child had picked him up, I couldn't see a mother seeing hiscondition and thinking he was a good stuffy to give theirchild. He's just too worn for another mother to becomfortable with something like that.
My concern at this point is that the above had occurred, and the motherhad just thrown him away, rather than having the thought of taking himback into the store and giving him to Guest Services...or a janitorseeing him on the floor and throwing him away. *sigh*
To tell you the truth, I'm actually quite sad about this...****ear isso loved by my daughter, she is truly losing a friend. Iremember...I was (well, still am) just like her aboutstuffies. I find myself attributing so much personality tothem, they may as well be alive and breathing right along withus. I don't know...maybe that's rediculous...but it is trulyhow I've always viewed them...and not far from how I viewed ****ear atthis point. My poor baby is losing her best friend, andthere's nothing I can do about it. I find myself on the brinkof tears about this!
I called Target again this morning to check if they'd come across him,just in case, and one's seen the cutie. I'llcontinue calling, a couple more times today, and a couple timestomorrow. A while back we came across a beany bear thatlooked remarkably like him at a store in the mall, so my husband willbe buying the little guy today, just in case. We'll wait andgive him to her on Christmas, and maybe even let her know that he justshowed up, and that we think Santa dropped him off, with a note sayinghe'd found ****ear in Target, and decided to clean him up and give himnew fur and such. I'm not certain it'll work, and normallydon't agree with lying to her about anything, but in this case, I thinkit'd be worth it. Yes, when she gets older, she'll realizewhat happened, but maybe...just maybe...she's still young enough thatshe won't think the twice, and thank Santa for working his "magic" onher best friend. (I'm not totally convinced it'll work, justbecause this girl is VERY sharp, but hey, it's worth a shot, isn'tit? If she wasn't convinced, and we explained, she wouldunderstand, and it would be fine.)
*sigh* I feel my daughter's sadness...and I wish I could dosomething to take that sadness away...but the fact is that ****ear wasone-of-a-kind. I hope we get a call from Target, or at leastgood word when we call in, that they did, indeed, find her littlefriend.
Until then, I will maintain the hope that he's found.
If you guys can think of anything else we can do, let me know, ok?
Love and hugs to all!
P.S. Why does something this have to happen right before Christmas?
My poor baby...
Oh, my poor daughter...
So, last night, we're trotting around Target, because we had aChristmas party to go to, and I wanted to buy a nice top and somepretty heels (I NEVER buy clothing or shoes, so this was a nicetreat!), and we were on our way to the car, got in, and all of asudden, we hear, "OH NO!! ****EAR!!" *sigh*
Turns out, my daughter lost her very-well-loved beanie baby teddy bear,lovingly named ****ear, that she's never let leave her side for abouttwo years now. He was so well-loved, he single-pawedly becamea part of our family. Everywhere we went, so did ****ear(despite mine and my husband's trying desperately for him to remain inthe car). He's been to Disneyland, the Santa Monica pier,many times to the beach, to my Aunt's house in Camarillo, to mysister's countless times, to my dad's place in Las Vegas, you nameit...****ear has had many fun travels.
Okay, so the above happened, and my husband and I heard the aboveproclamation, and realized exactly what had happened...grief!So, my husband got out, amid my daughter explaining that she'd hadBooBear in her hand the whole time, but put him in her pocket while shegot a drink out of the water fountain during my husband completing histransaction at the cashier's, and my frantically putting on the newshirt (because we were going directly to the party fromTarget). Needless to say, we went directly from that waterfountain to the car...and not more than five minutes later, my husbandretraced our steps to the cashier's line, and sweet ****ear, the bearthat used to be rainbow-colored, but had all his color loved away,except for his purple nose, little ****ear had vanished.:shock:
My husband asked the cashier, he asked employees standing around, heasked Guest Services...nobody saw the little gray bear with the purplenose. My husband came back to the car empty-handed, much tomy daughter's and my dismay. So, then second shift...Mamagets out of the car (in her new heels, mind you), and retraces oursteps yet again...looks under things, over things, between things,under carts, under feet, under racks of clothing, even checks with thefitting room attendant (just in case) ****ear. So, Ileft my husband's cell phone number (since we would be out) and namewith Guest Services, just in case. I had high hopes thatsomeone had just robotically picked him up and put him in therestocking cart (one of many), not really noticing his color orcondition in the process. My main thought was, that ifanother child had picked him up, I couldn't see a mother seeing hiscondition and thinking he was a good stuffy to give theirchild. He's just too worn for another mother to becomfortable with something like that.
My concern at this point is that the above had occurred, and the motherhad just thrown him away, rather than having the thought of taking himback into the store and giving him to Guest Services...or a janitorseeing him on the floor and throwing him away. *sigh*
To tell you the truth, I'm actually quite sad about this...****ear isso loved by my daughter, she is truly losing a friend. Iremember...I was (well, still am) just like her aboutstuffies. I find myself attributing so much personality tothem, they may as well be alive and breathing right along withus. I don't know...maybe that's rediculous...but it is trulyhow I've always viewed them...and not far from how I viewed ****ear atthis point. My poor baby is losing her best friend, andthere's nothing I can do about it. I find myself on the brinkof tears about this!
I called Target again this morning to check if they'd come across him,just in case, and one's seen the cutie. I'llcontinue calling, a couple more times today, and a couple timestomorrow. A while back we came across a beany bear thatlooked remarkably like him at a store in the mall, so my husband willbe buying the little guy today, just in case. We'll wait andgive him to her on Christmas, and maybe even let her know that he justshowed up, and that we think Santa dropped him off, with a note sayinghe'd found ****ear in Target, and decided to clean him up and give himnew fur and such. I'm not certain it'll work, and normallydon't agree with lying to her about anything, but in this case, I thinkit'd be worth it. Yes, when she gets older, she'll realizewhat happened, but maybe...just maybe...she's still young enough thatshe won't think the twice, and thank Santa for working his "magic" onher best friend. (I'm not totally convinced it'll work, justbecause this girl is VERY sharp, but hey, it's worth a shot, isn'tit? If she wasn't convinced, and we explained, she wouldunderstand, and it would be fine.)
*sigh* I feel my daughter's sadness...and I wish I could dosomething to take that sadness away...but the fact is that ****ear wasone-of-a-kind. I hope we get a call from Target, or at leastgood word when we call in, that they did, indeed, find her littlefriend.
Until then, I will maintain the hope that he's found.
If you guys can think of anything else we can do, let me know, ok?
Love and hugs to all!
P.S. Why does something this have to happen right before Christmas?