Oh, how the mighty have fallen ...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2004
Reaction score
, Georgia, USA
Well, dear friends, it is with greatsadness that I announce that today there was unrest in thekingdom.

The Prince, buoyed by the adulation of his adoring public,overestimated the scope of his sovereignty and decided to orchestrate apower play. Making the decision to claim a restricted portionof the kingdom as his own territory, he mounted a massiveattack. The sofa in the den was his target, and in hispurview he felt an area that should be deemed exclusivelyhis. So ...

After the Royal Mum and Royal Pop absented themselves from thethrone room to the outer regions of the castle, leaving him unattended...

He declared war.

His Majesty mounted the sofa (henceforth known as The RoyalThrone)and in a previously unheard of maneuver of audacityand unmitigated gall, he fired score upon score of "pills" on the seatcushions, on the arm rests, and even at the top back of the sofa on theheadrests.

To his dismay, The Prince didn't anticipate the prematurereturn of the King ... who as he proceeded to ascend the throne tooknote of the overt remnants of rebellion.

Here we attach evidence of The Prince exiled ...IN DISGRACE ... toThe Royal Dungeon. :X

Let all who read learn the consequences of such treachery.


You CAGED Him???

Ooooooo...you're gonna pay for this!

You may have won the battle, but you've yet to win the war.

My money's on King Sherman.

I'm saying this on Sherman's behalf:

[align=center]This means war![/align]
LMAO! See that's where you're wrong BunnyMommy, SHERMAN's the KING, notthe Prince! He was stating that point in his wordless way! How dare youexile the King!

Laura, Moch, & Spice

P.S.-Mocha and Spice are being angels, perhaps they heard oftheKing being "demoted" and exiled and are vying for the nowvacant spot!
If you see Flopsy trying to unlatch King Sherman'sjail cell. Don't look at me like I was forced to obey The Duke:dude:'sorders to release him.
oooh, you sent the King to prison?! hahha, when he gets out you know he's gonna get you :) ;) lol
By exiling him you might just be giving him timeto sit alone with his thoughts of revenge. Just make sure there are noblueprints in his littlecell for a more elaborate plan whenhe's finally released.
You do know it doesn't stop here. Dear Shermanis just taking this time to plan his next line of attack. After all Youinprisoned him.

Sherman were sending Apollo! You'll be free in no time.

Mocha and Spice are on the case! Spice willdistract Sherman's not so loyal servants (mom and dad!) and Mocha andApollo will hide and then break him out of jail with new plans ofattack! Even if it is hard to hide Apollo! Maybe if we have too, we canuse the threaten with attack rabbit strategy! :p
Oh ya! Jade and Jezebel are digging the escapetunnels, now known as the Rabbit Underground, to China for a safeescape and some wild partying after. ;)lol, had to add themin!

P.S.- Let's hope they remember that Apollo is on the team and they makea big enough tunnel! By the looks of the pictures, Jade and Jez aresmall. We don't him getting stuck in the hole and preventing the restfrom escaping! lol.
Flopsy should be there in about 5 minutes sherman.He's coming by air, so you have to wait for his air hangtime while heis skydiving out of his privite helicopter. :D
Oh,you should see him standing on his hind legs rattling the cage bars andtrying to push the door open with his front paws ... the pitiful looks... tossing his food bowls around ...

He did it to himself. BunnyDaddy says that he's to beon "house arrest" for the rest of the week. He'll only befree for exercise breaks and for his cage cleanings.

We must restore the balance of power in the kingdom. lol! :dude:
Poor Sherman!

He is going to send a distress call out tohis war bunnies!! Watch out:shock:!

Lissa, BlueBelle, and CupCake

We're afraid that we have our own RRG, Rebellion Rabbits Group. Theyare being sent in to over throw the government! lmao. Sherman's got hisown terrorist group! He's probably plotting against you!
NOOOOOOO!You can't do that. You can't treat the KING as a merepheasant.



P.S. Apollo will be there shortly. He stopped for a treat and a nap
lol, and Mocha and Spice have been placed insolitary confinement. They over-threw the ruling power today and turnedmy property (I say property because it's my backyard, frontyard, andhouse hold.) into a dictatorship.

Spice used a clever distration method when he escaped the government'sgrasp and had to spend a while trying to catch him again. Meanwhile,Mocha elected himself Prime Minister and took my place, then turned itinto a dictatorship. He chose to roam free, he stepped on a box andjumped the fence, on his land. Once they were successfully caught, theywere sentenced to solitary confinement. It took a fair bit of skill andgiving in to the ransom note to manage to get near them and aprehendthem. But not before they had removed all human rights and instatedrabbit rights, some of which include:

  • Rabbits have the right to at leastone Yogurt Dip on a silver platter twice a day.
  • They have the right to protest to any unwanted pellets given. Theyshall have the right to order gourmet pellets with oats and a side dishof vegetables and fruits.
  • Rabbits may roam free when wanted and are to never be confined to a cage.
  • Rabbits have the right to bite anyone who they do not want near themor for any other reason.
  • Rabbits have the right to daily massages and at least 2 hours of non-stop petting.
  • Male rabbits have the right to have at least 3 or more girlfriendsand raise a family.
lmao, I hate to tell them that they'refixed! All peace has been restored and the new dictator has stepped in.

Laura .: government/police/judge/jury/dictator :.

Mocha and Spice .: Prisoners of War :. (lmao)

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