:twitch: caramel thinks this must be funny
well, i went out to put on her lead and eyores. no problem there. so my friends hek=lps me, by lifting eyore and i lift caramel.
they were lifted over to my friend house.. then i saw, caramel has little pricks on the small line from her mouth to her nose. well 2 big pokes and bleeding slightly then one smaller one and the gums are a bit redder than normal.
and she is drooling like a dog!!! its all doen her dew lap and up her face a little bit. she is eattng though....??:? i gave in some grass and dandelion leaves.. so i will go out and see if there gone.
i put vasline on her cuts. and she is quite active, pooing/peeing department fine,
but she seems more..... shy and clingy.. like if she is on my lap she will climb up under my chin.. which she does not do?
she grinded a amall bit but seems ok there.
thanks :nerves1
well, i went out to put on her lead and eyores. no problem there. so my friends hek=lps me, by lifting eyore and i lift caramel.
they were lifted over to my friend house.. then i saw, caramel has little pricks on the small line from her mouth to her nose. well 2 big pokes and bleeding slightly then one smaller one and the gums are a bit redder than normal.
and she is drooling like a dog!!! its all doen her dew lap and up her face a little bit. she is eattng though....??:? i gave in some grass and dandelion leaves.. so i will go out and see if there gone.
i put vasline on her cuts. and she is quite active, pooing/peeing department fine,
but she seems more..... shy and clingy.. like if she is on my lap she will climb up under my chin.. which she does not do?
she grinded a amall bit but seems ok there.
thanks :nerves1