OH, for gods sake caramel!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2008
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:twitch: caramel thinks this must be funny:p
well, i went out to put on her lead and eyores. no problem there. so my friends hek=lps me, by lifting eyore and i lift caramel.
they were lifted over to my friend house.. then i saw, caramel has little pricks on the small line from her mouth to her nose. well 2 big pokes and bleeding slightly then one smaller one and the gums are a bit redder than normal.
and she is drooling like a dog!!! its all doen her dew lap and up her face a little bit. she is eattng though....??:? i gave in some grass and dandelion leaves.. so i will go out and see if there gone.
i put vasline on her cuts. and she is quite active, pooing/peeing department fine,
but she seems more..... shy and clingy.. like if she is on my lap she will climb up under my chin.. which she does not do?
she grinded a amall bit but seems ok there.
thanks :nerves1
Can you post a picture?

Do you have any idea what caused the cuts? Have you looked in her mouth?

How is she acting?
cant post a picture sorrry.
i looked in her mouth, right down it, and nothing there that could cause it.. apart froma nip...
no twigs or anything..
she is acting, aleart, moving, toliting, i think eating.. i gave out more food like grass and daliloin leaves so ill wait to see.

the cuts arnt bleeding that much anymore.. only looking raw.
if you need any more info just ask
here i have to eat my dinner soon, ill might not be back on tonight... im going to bed in an hours time
Could another rabbit or other animal have attacked her? At the very least, these cuts need to be washed with betadine or some other antibacterial thing. I don't like the sound of drooling--are her teeth all ok, or is there a lot of damage to that side of her face, like it's hanging off funny?

Could the drooling from the other day be related to this?
i dont know tracy. but they were in the shade all day, the fence shaded all the area, and a slight brezze. they had bottles out aswell wwith ice.
the cuts are quite small. like i dont think taht many animals could of done it...
the cuts are washed... i dont have any, but i ahve covered it with vasline and alovera atyuff the vet agave me when the rabbbits got spayed and she bit her stiches...
That sounds good. I worry that it could be a fungal infection of the skin near her mouth, or possibly even vent disease, as that can cause sores near the mouth and nose. Maybe she ran her face into something sharp, like some wires?
Maybe more thsn one issue going on ???
I wondered whether the drooling was related to heat stress; drooling is a symptom of being excessively warm

the cuts are strange, also the red gums ; is she housed with another bun who she could have fought with?

I think she really needs to be transitioned into the house rather than be outside. I also think that she needs to see a vet.

it would also be helpful if you could post a pic so we could see the cuts.
she is hosted with eyore, netered male.. who could not defend himself if he tried...
um... i think she hurt herself on soome wood in the run. its fixed now. her gums- normal pinky coulour.
and the cuts are fading and i cant even notice them now!
i know... i left the wood in there for like half an hour....
so i think she nosed about sniffing and infestigation of it....lol an dpricked her self.. she is ok, so tahts what counts!