Oh Crap

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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2011
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
For the third time in a month, Gus has to go to the vet. I was giving him a good scratch earlier and ran his floppy ers through my fingers, and felt a LUMP :shock:. After examining the lump, it is best described as a light grey, oddly shaped, almost bubbly lump that is firm and about the diameter of a cheerio. Will try to get pics but I dout the camera will be able to focus. Now I'm freaking out and thinking worst case scenario... Luckily I have a good chiunk of change put aside for vet emergencies.

Thoughts??? Opinions???

In an earlier post, I was freaking out about a lump he had post-neuter (turned out to be normal swelling), and what may possibly be the early stages of malacclusion. I KNEW this little monster was going to cost a freakin fortune :grumpy:.
OK, managed to get one reasonably decent picture. I kept it a little big so it's easier to see:


I'm pretty sure it's not an abcess. It isn't warm or red, and there was no sign of any cut or scab... Just this lump out of nowhere that appeared within the past week. Help!
I hope you find out more about it - Ellie Mae has a couple of them in her ears and a couple of other rabbits have them too - but it doesn't appear to be life-threatening so I haven't gone to the vet about it. (I had one rabbit to the vet last week for a spay and two rabbits going tomorrow).
Just got back from the vet.Shepunctured the lump with a syringe, and drained out a clear fluid. The diagnosis is a blister, of all things. She says that somehow he must have whacked his ear on something. I'm so relieved!