I promised Ebony n Loz that I was goingto post some a couple of weeks ago. They're locked though onmy second digital camera. For some reason, we can't get it topower up.
I may just have to take some more of himon my first camera and post that way.
*Taps her watch with her finger* I'mstill waiting! Precious time's ticking pastBunnyMommy.Sherman deserves to be admired by his people, the people ofRabbits Only that is.
You are all referring to him wrong, how is hegoing to pose for the camera if he's not getting proper respect? hisfull name is 'His Royal Evilness with a Hidden Agenda Sherman' *shakeshead in disbelief*
Do y'all know thatI've been trying to get a couple of photos of Sherman all night andevery time I pull out the camera and try to snap he takesoff!!! Contrary little bunny!:X
Okay, it took me an hour and a half to get this one bad photo.
This is Sherman sitting under one of hisfavorite tables downstairs. To give you an idea of how muchhe's shedding, I vacuum down here every other day. Note allof the bunny fur in the carpet and along the baseboards (he likes tolay alongside them at various points throughout the day).
If you look closely under the tableyou'll see one of his favorite seagrass mats. He both lies onit and chews it.
Up top you'll see some of BunnyDaddy's "junk" piled on top of the table.
More photos to come as I can catch His Majesty off guard.
My husband sat down on the sofa next tothe treadmill to get a little work done ... but in the meanwhile hedecided to have a little fun . He slowwwwly reached for thebag of craisins and before he could get them open ...
(I "erased" my husband's face to protecthis privacy. Wish I could have captured a shot of Sherman'stail too, but my husband's roll-a-bag was in the way ... ).