Know where you are at. Derby had a harem of stuffies that he molested pretty much non stop all night. Heck he wasn't even fussy, some where rabbits and others were bears and tigers. At least at that point he wore himself out enough to sleep. He got neutered a week ago, the rabbit savey vet we went to does it through the scutum so there are no outside stiches for them to chew on. He is feeling great, and was just bearly 5 months or no even quite that. Her feeling was that they were down, his lungs were good and he was a healthy 8.56 pounds. Weston should be a good weight by 5 months, maybe not 8.5 pounds, but not bad. Derby is not humping as many stuffies, he is definitely not spraying so that is a big asset. It takes time after the neutering for all of the horomones to leave. Hang in there, the stuffies will survive. Hey, if they don't they are replaceable.