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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2004
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, , USA
Maybe some remember that i said i learned how todrive a little late in life. About 10 years later thannormal. I have had my licence for nine months now.In october our car that we had borrowed died. long story notgoing there. So my husband took the money we had and bought acar in the paper. It happened to be a stick. Itried with the help of my friend and my husband to drive that car forthree weeks. Got frustrated and put some money down on myfirst car thats ever mine.

Well anyways about three weeks ago i had a flat tire and it was on theside and my first reaction was somone cut it. My friend whocame to help me and put on the spare and show me how to doit.Said it looked like a break. ok now three weekslater. Well anyways my husband wakes me up at 4 am said hehad a flat tire and needed to take my car or for me to take him. Mycar!! So i get up to take him and i have a flattoo. So he puts the spare on it and itake him to work. This morning i check my tire over in more detail withmy friend, and he says it looks like somone cut the tire. Nowit makes me so upset somone would do that to me. My friendsays even though it looks like a knife cut it dont make anysence. He thinks if someone set out to get me like that whynot do two or more tires, and the fact that my husbands tire is flattoo makes me think something is fishy. He thinks its odd thatour cars are parked side by side and they would slash mine and walk tothe other side of his. My husband car dont have a spare andhe is working so we havent looked at his tire yet. From whati can tell no holes unless its on the part thats flat on the ground.Kinda appears like someone let the air out. Will no morelater. Also what is fishy is that its the same tire as lasttime. When i got my car my tires lookedreally good. Its a 93 tempo and i was and so proudof it. No body damage and no rust and no problems except for flattires. I guess i wanted to vent and wanted to knowwhat others think. Could this just be totally badluck or someone out to get us.

We live in a apartment complex which i like but theres no garage and ieven called the office and no one else has complained of flattires. If you read this much thanks for listening.


God, I'm so sorry, Cristy.

Doesn't sound to me like bad luck, it sounds like someone's angry withyou. Perhaps not, but there's a little too much coincidence is going onthere.

I had someone slash my tire once and it's really a horrible feeling.It's such a violation. I went to the cops. Didn't have the problemagain.

My opinion is to get it on the record. It's usually some cowardly kidthat's doing this sort of thing, but regardless, it's good to have thepolice show up and look at your car. If it is someone in theneighborhood, seeing the police pull up would certainly be unsettling.

Give them the history, ask them to patrol through the neighborhood, andif it continues, they'll have to investigate it further.

What a Weak Coward. :X

My Heart goes out to you.

I can commiserate with you on this one. OneChristmas my ex-husband and my husband's ex-wife slashed all four of mytires at our house, AND all four of my husband's tires at therestaurant that same night. We couldn't prove anything, even thoughthey kept driving past the house and some of their friends said thingslike, "Well, you should've seen this coming."

It's so frustrating and so expensive. :( We bought security lights thatturned on in our driveway (we don't have a garage either) wheneveranything so much as a cat walked by. I had a cam corder at the time,and we set that up every night, recording our driveway. Of course, theydidn't come back. It's so hard to live with the thought that it mighthappen again.

I'm really sorry that this happened to you, as well. :(

It is very frustrating. Changing a tireis something i need to know how and now as long as i can find thestrengh i can do it. It just bugs me so much. Icant imagine changing a tire if i was with just my younger son, andthat it scares me to pull over at night. Even more freaked out now.

We did take my husbands tire in and it was the beads. Never heard thatterm before, but they said that it just happens and no one messed withit. Friday when i get paid i will take mine in and see what aproffessional thinks about it being slashed. I am pretty sure thatswhat happened. Will be driving on the ugly donut for a coupledays but with no work cause of the holidays not really going manyplaces.


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