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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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I know this is really far off topic but I needhelp, talk about a last minute shopper! Most of you are adults and canprobably give me ideas.

I am the godmother to a soon to be 1 year old boy. He's the 5th boy ina family of 5 boys and he has everything. They have things from all ofthe 4 other boys and I cannot come up with one single thing for him!His birthday is on the 6th of June. I guess money is always a goodthing! lol. I don't think they want a rabbit. ;)

Since the oldest boy in only 8 years old, everything they have is stillin pretty good condition and is not out dated too much. Any idea'swould be helpful, and yes, I'm a godmother at 16, lol.

Laura, Moch, & Spice

Hi Laura,

I have a neice and nephew whom I treasure as much as you do your Godson.

When they were that young and didn't know about presents, it was thenthat I got them things that hopefully would last a long time throughtheir childhood or lifelong.

One thing I had gotten my neice was a beautiful Winnie the Poohcollectibles lamp for her bedroom. She adores that lamp. She's 9 now. Igave it to her when she was 1.

My nephew is also my Godson and I gave him a gold cross for one year.He won't wear it now, of course, but it's beautiful and I know thatsomeday he'll be into it because crosses are cool.

You could also get a beautiful piece of artwork for little mon's room.It's something he'll always have and remember you by in whateverapartment or place he moves into.

Just some thoughts that have worked for me.

Good idea Carolyn, thanks! Here's a picture of the sweetie, his name is Blake.

He's a cutie!

Congratulations Laura :dude:

It's quite an Honor to be a God Mother. I know others in the family are jealous.

Enjoy Little One!

Hi Laura, My sonrecently recieved a "First Communion CertificateHolder" It's kinda shaped like a paper towel tube with knobson each end.I know it also comes in Baptismal.It is sterling silver but coated with some kind of specialanti tarnish stuff. The other thing that my youngest sonrecieved for his Baptism (From his Godmother) is a woven blanket withangels on it and his full name and Baptismal date. Or a Crossfor above his bedroom door with something special handwritten on theback (Along with the date) and Godmothers name. AChildrens Bible. A Special picture frame the SaysGodson, and has a picture of you and him on the Special Day. These are all things that my Children recieved, are are verytreasured --- I hope I have been of some help--- Kim :)

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