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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2004
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, , USA
For the past month i noticed a neighbor who i alsothought of as a friend being exremly mean to his dog. Beatingit with a stick and kicking and just abusing it over and over. This aoutside dog only. Then i noticed the dog was boarded up inhis dog house. Its hot and i was concerned about his safety. When i gotto work i called animal control to check on him. The next day i seen hewas no longer locked up. Then yesterday i noticed he wasgone. My oldest son went over there and asked where the dogwas and he said he put it to sleep cause some jerk called animalcontrol on him. I feel terrible like i helped killed the dog. I wasconcerned about his safety and happiness and now he is dead. He was agood dog. I feel so rotten. :(

aww, I think you did the right thing. Even if heis gone now, he's out of his misery. If you hadn't of called someonehe'd still be tortured and locked up. I applaud you got getting thenerves up and doing something so noble.
I totally agree withMyBunnyLovesMe on this. You had a difficult decision to makeand you made it. You did the right thing. At leastthat poor creature is now out of his misery.

Kudos to you for having the character to try to come to the aid of a helpless animal.
I'm sorry about the loss of your neighbors dog,but not to sound mean or anything it was probably good that the dog wasput down rather than having a life of misery & torture. Eventhough it feels wrong, you did the right thing, you saved that dog froma lot of pain & abuse! I bet the dog is thanking you fromheaven for saving it!

It's a shame when people beat animals like that, especially ones thatare so good and loyal that they don't try to fight back and don'tdeserve it. If I were that dog, I'd have attacked the guy, no offenseto your neighbor or anything, but someone should beat him with a stickand kick him over and over and see how he likes it. :X



Death was the dog's Ultimate Gift. I'd rather be dead than to live atthe hand of an owner like that. At least the dog is now at peace andhappy again.

I assure you, you 'saved' this soul.

God Bless You.

Hey all, ryan again,

Must be because i am a guy or the fact i prefer animals to most peoplebut if i ever witnessed someone treating ANYTHING like that, they wouldbe the one getting the hiding. I feel very strongly when itcomes to things like this and regularly go out of my way to intervenewith different things, im sorry i wouldnt care who it would be but iwould not be responsible for my actions that's for sure.
I agree that you definitely did the right thinghere. No matter what the dog is in a better place now. Is it possiblethat animal control took the dog from him, but he suspected you guyswere the ones that called it in, so he told you that the dog had beenput down to make you feel guilty?? That just sounds to me likesomething an abusive type of person would do. I can hope that is whatreally happened at least.

Thanks everyone,

Both my husband and a good friend said the same thing about i did wasright. It's still sad. The dog could have tore him up butlike someone said was too loyal. I thought about himsuspecting me and saying that to make me feel bad. I dont know what tothink. We were what i would consider more than neighbors, kinda had alittle friendship and my kids would hang out in his yard and play withthe dog. So i might be the last to suspect. Just not sure. Ifigured if anything the dog would have been placed for adoption and notput down. Thanks again

You did do what was right and in this case deathwas an act of kindness. As ann animal lover I can understand yourfeelings but heatstroke is a horrible death and no animal is happy shutaway from people
Carolyn wrote:

Death was the dog's Ultimate Gift. I'd rather be dead than to live atthe hand of an owner like that. At least the dog is now at peace andhappy again.

I assure you, you 'saved' this soul.

God Bless You.


That is exactly what I was going to say. Anyways, if someonewould kill their dog because animal control got called on him, thereare a few other things wrong with this person too.

Sometimes I get to thinking about how cruel some people can be to theiranimals. I think about how many people own rabbits and haveno idea how to care for them, or worse, leave them in a hutch in thesun and rain and never pay any attention to them. I am surethat it is a bigger majority than I even want to think of.The same goes for people who mistreat other people (their children,wives, husbands, elderlies) I can't stand it!

But the only thing I can do is be a good person myself, and make surethat when I have kids I will influence them to be as kind as I believethey should be. And contribute to the spreading of knowledgeon the subject of pet care...

And kick the @&*% out of the people who torture other living creatures... LOL
Thanks everyone for your kind words. I neverthought i would get so worked up over someone else's dog. Especiallyhim, when i first met him i was scared cause he has the bluest eyes.cant explain it but even on a leash he scared me. Then one day mylittle dog of 8 lbs runs into his yard, escaped out the door and goesright to the big dog of about 70 lbs. I was screaming i was sure he wasgoing to eat my dog. All they did was play and every chancemy dog got to escape he would run over there to try and play.Well my screaming is how i met the neighbor, and that was a year ago. Ithought he was a good guy so calling animal control was hard on mecause he didnt always behave like that to his dog.

Someone at work told me she dont think that if someone brought in ahealthy dog they would put it down just cause he said to. That he wouldbe put in the shelter and have the chance to find a home. Thusday i amgoing to be in the area and i might go look for him. Or maybe call andask if they got any of that breed lately. if he was alive and had achance for a home, i would feel so much better. Ican't bring him home though and i got to be strong. I am oneof those people that love animals too much and i am at my limits onwhat i can afford to take care of them.

i definitely wasntyour fault. you didnt know that the dog would be put to sleep &if the owner was abusing it, its sad to say, but the dog is betteroff... now if we could only get our hands on your neighbor.:Xthere was a story on the new about a 10 year old kidbeating goslings to death with a stick. it made my stomach turn hearingit...i just dont understand how anyone could hurt a defensless, livingthing.
Probably my last update on the dog.Someone called animal control on me cuase of my dog barking. She wasnteven out at the time. but thats not my point. Since he was there iasked could someone bring in a dog and request for it to be down and itbe done right then and there. He said no that there is paperwork and aprocess to go through. Then later on i called them back andgave the description of the dog and his name and they said the dog ranaway and that was why he was being punished. not defending the guy,just saying what he said. They did not take the dog or has hebrought the dog to the shelter. The only other shelter in the area is ano kill one and you have to pay for that and i dont think he did that.He has no job. So now i dont know what he did withhim. I am just hoping if did indeed die that it was fast and painless.I dont think a vet did it cause you would pay for that too.My neighbor seen me today and waved so i dont think he thinks i called.I wont be talking to him if i can help it. Thanks forlistening everyone.



Well whatever the case, the dog is now free and clear from that man hopefully.

I still think you did the right and honorable thing. You took on a voice for the dog, something it couldn't do for itself.


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