Ode to Vinegar!!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
So, I'm in the middle of thoroughly cleaning the bunnies' cages because of the high fly population in my area (note my thread about flies being in the house), and OH WOW!! I put a nice puddle of straight vinegar in the bottom of Flower's hayrack (which she uses as a mini litterbox), because it's had stains in the bottom that I haven't been able to remove AT ALL. It took them RIGHT OFF!!:shock: :D It's looks good-as-new now! I'm so surprised! I had no idea vinegar was so wonderful! :shock2::great::yes::blueribbon:

Anyway, I'm about halfway through cleaning the cages. I've finished with Flower's, which had a couple more stains on the bottom floor's linoleum (which the vinegar also handled perfectly). Her cage looks SPOTLESS...it's beautiful!!

The thing I've noticed with Flower (and it may be due to her age of not-yet-four-months and thus lack of hormones) is that she makes NO MESS! The only thing she does is use her hayrack as a bit of a litterbox, but even that's not much of a problem because she also uses the appropriate litterboxes as such. She hardly shreds anything, and doesn't even really spread hay around on her floor!! She's so clean! I think it's from living in such filth before I rescued her from my neighbor, and her now appreciating a nice, clean environment. Have you guys experienced anything like this?

Anyway, I had to RAVE for a second about WONDERFUL VINEGAR!! YAHOO!!!!

My buns are truly living in luxury now!! Hehe...

:bunnydance::bunnydance: Maisie and Flower think a Happy Bunny Dance is in order for this huge magnitude of cleanliness!! (And it's so easy!!) :D

And for those of you who suggested I try vinegar out for cleaning....
I'm going to do this too,. I've been using natures miracle for the carpet, and it only makes it look rusty pee, rather than getting it up... May work for cat pee tho, but not bunny pee. Makes it look like I just pushed it around too.
Hi, i find when I use vinegar and rinse with cold water the smell comes off.

I like you use to scrub all the litter pans (7 of them, 4 bunnies) and the stains never came off completely. AllI do now is soak them for a couple of minutes and then wipe them with a sponge and bingo they are clean.


Isn't it wonderful?? *sigh of relief* It really bothered me that I couldn't get those stains off...so them being gone and her hay rack literally looking good as new is SO NICE!!


SOOOSKA wrote:
AllI do now is soak them for a couple of minutes and then wipe them with a sponge and bingo they are clean.

White vinegar helps to remove stains on fur, too. You spray on the straight vinegar, let it sit for a few minutes, and wipe it off with a baby wipe. I also use apple cider vinegar in my bunnies drinking water every day, it helps keep their guts in good condition.
Just used it on my carpet. :bunnydance::colors::colors: the stain just dissapeared while I was still spraying it. :colors::colors:Even the ones I tried natures miracle first. The big orange spot went away. I didn't even scrub it.
YAY!! That's awesome!! I'll remember that! :D

BunnyRae wrote:
Just used it on my carpet. :bunnydance::colors::colors: the stain just dissapeared while I was still spraying it. :colors::colors:Even the ones I tried natures miracle first. The big orange spot went away. I didn't even scrub it.
BunnyRae wrote:
Just used it on my carpet. :bunnydance::colors::colors: the stain just dissapeared while I was still spraying it. :colors::colors:
Vinegar is great for the carpet, I use it all the time. It also gets the deposits in the corner of the litter box out really well too, I have only had to replace my litter boxes once because they were too icky. Yaaaaa for Vinegar!
hehe...I just couldn't resist, when I saw the title of this thread...:brat:

Ode to Vinegar

Oh, deareth, clear liquid that floweth so well

Saving me daily from a lagomorph hell.

It cleaneth the cages, the poop boxes too

And never doth leaveth malicious residue.

Oh, sweet vinegar...such a creation divine

So pureth, so useful...a grandeth goldmine.

No more stinky bun bums, no moreshocking stains

Erased clean from existence, only memories remain...

of the once dreadful flyguests, so horrid their sight

A quick shot of vinegar, and theyfleeth in fright.

My house is now cleaneth, not a blot to be seen,

Not a splatter of stain, norfoul odor so mean.

Andthis to my bunnies,whom I loveth to death,

I hold up the vinegarwhenever my breath

must be held in their area...yet, I squealeth in glee

For my trusty spray bottle will soon set me free.

So my nostrils now thank you, dear vinegar my friend

For you are doth a bold savior I will love till the end

My bunn-butts now poopethworry-free intheir commode

For vinegar! Oh vinegar! You hath saveth my abode

Take advice from all those home cleaning programes.. "vinegar and lemon juice is a great way to get rid of bathroom scum and limescale." I always see to remember them talking about using it on bathrooms!

Used to use it on my hamsters cage because the pee was really tough to clean.
Yeah vinegar is pretty cool and to think that there are expensive products out there that 'claim' to remove stains and they don't really work anyway,and then there is the good ole vinegar,not only does it clean bunny mess,it can be used for all sorts of jobs around the home,and the best part is it is so inexpensive:)

I used to have a book on using vinegar for all sorts of jobs around the home,but i have just misplaced it somewhere,i will have to go searching through my big pile of books,ugh is that going to be a job lol

Hehe,great poem Bassetluv:)


That's a great site, Pet_Bunny! I saved it as a Word document in case I ever have any internet probs again. It'll be GREAT to use for SO MANY reasons!!

Thanks for sharing that site! :)


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