Odd urination...

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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2010
Reaction score
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Ty used to be awesome about his litter box, he is a famously clean bunny.

However, recently, after Ty's stroke (We assume that was, vet never could quite pin it down on a definite answer) he's been peeing all over his cage, almost seemingly uncontrollably, so the entire bottom of his cage is wet. We have it worked out so he isn't just sitting in urine, but does anyone have any possible answers?

He is an unaltered buck, but this in NOT spraying behaviour. It's almost like his urine dribbles out. It wasn't too bad at first, but it seems to be getting worse.
This behavior doesn't sound like a behavioral problem related to your other rabbit's physical issues but it does sound like a physical problem ...This could be a urinary tract infection or some other renal issue.

There is the possiblity that the 'stroke" in your other rabbit is really a symptom of the protozoan infection e cuniculi and that the renal issues in his cage mate also are a sympton of this same illness.

Once again I do not know ..only a culture of the urine and possibly blood test to check renal function can begin to give you answers.

here are some library links explaining ecuniculi ...

hopefully this is not the issue but if it is there are treatments available

