Odd or Even?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Somewhere in the desert, , Bahrain
I have my three little girls, and I've noticed that there's always one left out while the other two play or explore together. Will they be happy as a threesome, or is it necessary to get one more so that they can always be in pairs?

I know with my other pets I always try to have an even number so no-one's left out :p
I'm not sure seeing as though I'm having a difficult time bonding any of my bunnies but I know there are a few members here who were able to bond 3 bunnies together. I'm bumping this so hopefully one of those members will see this thread and respond with some advice. Good luck!!

Threesomes can definitely work :) Though there will likely be times when two bunnies pair off. Is it just one rabbit that gets left out, or does it rotate? If it does, then I wouldn't worry about it.
I wish I could have a trio to find out, unfortunately I'm not brave enough to try. ;)

But it's also possible that the third is actually separating itself. Just like people, some rabbits need alone time. Really I don't think it's an issue if they are all still getting along and there is no fighting.
I have a trio - but Abigale is Cagney's baby :) and Cangey raised her litter with Lacy's so Abigale is kinda Lacy's baby too. They all love each other & It's VERY Cute to see all three of them piled on top of each other!! I wish I could show you guys the pictures but they are on my phone :\

For the most part they get along, though Heather doesn't appreciate Thistle too much... Thistle is very playful and always trying to groom Heather, and she'll follow her around and basically just get on her nerves until Heather will chase her away. I was watching them the other day and Heather actually caught Thistle; she had a big mouthful of grey hair! No bite marks on Thistle though, but I think she learnt her lesson!

Bracken is normally the one who's by herself, though I do think she perhaps chooses to be that way.
We had 2 girls that came as a bonded pair. We bonded to them a little male lop. He seems to divide his time between the two fairly evenly...We are in the process of bonding another male into the mix (its a little harder since the origional male is an alpha:?) The dominant rabbit in the trio is our bigger female and she always seems to be lonely. No proof of it, it's probably just me romanticizing. But I do know she is absolutely bonkers over this new male and seems happier just having seen him a few times. With bunns who really knows what goes on in their bunny minds..if we did we wouldn't need a forum!! :D
I guess that's true ;) Unless I see a serious badly treated bunny while I'm out and about (I've seen lots down at the local market with sores, half-severed ears etc), I'll wait to see if the animal shelter calls me. I'm down in their record books as a bunny adopter, and they said that if they got any more they'd give me a call. But who knows when that'll be?

Before I called the shelter I was going to go rescuse some bunnies from the market, but then I called the shelter. I honestly didn't expect them to have any rabbits (they're oriented more towards cats and dogs, with facilities for a couple of horses or donkeys and not much else). Still, I'm happy with my girls.

I'll just have to wait and see what happens when I go out to buy a budgie next...

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