Odd behavior? (New Owner w/ questions)

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New Member
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
We have been a rabbit owner for about 5 weeks now. It has been a great adventure and we really enjoy having him as part of the family. With that in mind- this is our first rabbit. Obviously- we see something on a daily basis that we end up researching for behavior trends, or how we should be adapting- etc.

There is one item that we are having a difficult time finding the answer too.

Every night- we let him out to run around and visit with the family, etc. He really enjoys this time and has become extremely social and trusting with all of us.

Over the last 5 days- he has started hopping into the lap of my son. As soon as he jumps in his lap- he immediatley uses his lap as a littler box. (He has pee'don 2 occassions and pooped in every other occassion).

Prior to this beginning- he would poop on the floor while he was out of his cage. But since he started using my son's lap as a toliet- he rarely goes on the floor.

From what we have read- this could be his method of marking his territory.(True or false?)
We do have him scheduled to get neutured on Thursday. Will this help this issue? Also- will neuturing improve his chances of remaining social? We have read that it is absolutley necesary to give him a chance at being a long lasting pet and really bonding with his family.

Any other info you would like to add in would be very helpful! I look forward to hearing experienced owners take on our issues.

Welcome to bunny slavedom!

True, he is marking his territory. Also true that you are doing the best thing you can to stop this behavior. It will take about a month for the hormones to get out of the system, so hang in there.

I believe that spay/neutering is the only real way to have a pet housebunny. The hormones drive the poor little buns out of their minds and cause so many issues. It is by far easier on everyone involved, plus it eliminates his risk for cancers of the reproductive system (bigger deal for girls, but still a nice bonus). This will also allow you to bond him in the future if you desire. Fixed male/female pairs are the easiest to bond.

Best of luck :biggrin:

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