Odd behavior, GI stasis? but seems different

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Mar 20, 2012
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Arizona, USA
I'm suddenly concerned about Mocha:
-almost 2 yrs old
-big hay eater
- free roam all day with bondmate

I found him laying in a high traffic area in the house (very unusual) with his back legs outstretched all comfy-like. He normally would dash away at anyone's approach but is staying still and allowing pets.
I put hay in front of him (he never refuses) but he refused. I then got a papaya tablet and he refused that too.

He is not in a football pose. His eyes are alert and his ears were moving forward with our movements.

He got up as I went to type on here, but he just turned around and laid down again in same spot, legs outstretched. Hay and papaya tablet being ignored.

He ate lots of basil last night (as usual) and his pellets and hay.
I'm somewhat familiar with GI stasis (though none of my rabbits have ever actually had it) but this seems a bit unusual in that he's outstretched and not sitting like he's in pain.

The refusing food is concerning me.

Any ideas??
Usually you see then hunched up, belly pressing, and/or changing positions frequently, but I saw this the other day with one of mine too. She was laying stretched out then moved to her litter box and flopped out, then rolled onto her back and side. The only reason I knew something was wrong and she wasn't feeling well was because she doesn't normally lay in her litter box, and she wouldn't eat her breakfast, which she always does eagerly. What I usually do if this hasn't been going on too long, is give simethicone, pain meds, and some water. This usually gets them eating within a few hours. If he still won't eat and it's been more then 12 hours, or his condition worsens, that's usually time to get them into the vet.
This started just over an hour ago. It's eerily reminiscent of what happened to Shadowfax. He stopped eating suddenly late one evening. He was at the vet by morning getting hydrated, & pain meds. He started eating some hay, went home and was dead that evening. Afterward, they suspected it was "a rupture of some kind" and not GI stasis because of how quickly he went.

Both Shadowfax and Mocha were rescued as very, very young babies. I don't think either were on momma's milk as long as they should've been. Now I'm being paranoid and hoping I'm not seeing a repeat. :(
Dosage is 1-2cc(20mg/ml) every hour for three hours, then 1cc every 3-8 hours as needed. I usually only have to use the first or second dose before they start eating again on their own.

I lost a rabbit to stasis too, last year. She stopped eating, I took her to the vet and got meds, the next day she was dead. I think she had a full blockage and the vet didn't take xrays to check for it. But usually when this has happened with my rabbits now, it isn't as bad as that. Usually it's a mild upset and they are feeling better in a couple hours. Just keep a close eye on him. Hopefully he'll be back to feeling better in a few hours.
he doesn't appear to be ill or suffering at all. He's not squinting, or hunched up, everything about him says "nothing wrong here". At this point I would just monitor him.
he doesn't appear to be ill or suffering at all. He's not squinting, or hunched up, everything about him says "nothing wrong here". At this point I would just monitor him.

Yes, I agree. That's why I thought it was odd that he was refusing food (and allowing extended pettings and not running off).

I did give him the gas drops every hour for 3 hours. (Thanks, Jenny) He just now started eating hay again and then went over and drank water for awhile too. :woohoo
Yay! That simethicone can do wonderous things sometimes :)

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