O/T would anyone have any books on pet rabbits or magazines to get rid of?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
Reaction score
, , USA
imwanting just some stuff to read would anyone haveany rabbit books or magazines they are no longer using that i couldhave or buy? i found a few neat books on ebay and orderedthose but would like to find some more. thnxguys you can pm me or catch meon yahoo messenger id name brimmhere :)
I will see whatI can find for you .theres a nifty bookstore downstreet I can check into , itdeals mostly with older books, at veryreasonable prices. I will checkit today.
gypsy wrote:
I will see what Ican find for you . theres anifty bookstore down street Ican check into , it dealsmostly with older books, at veryreasonable prices. I will checkit today.
awesome thanx so much !! let me know howmuch and ill get payment to ya. i love books and just lovehaving info to read. plus its nice to have the books on handin case someone close by is wanting to read info also :)

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