O/T want some opnions, please

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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Montana, USA
Hi, all! As many of you know, I'm moving soon. I have two options as to where I can move. Here they are:

A) $430 a month, plus utilities. I can have Winston, but no other pets.It's in an okay neighborhood. I get one erd floor room, but there areothers that we share. However, these people seem to be something ofpartiers, which I'm not into. They don't party often, but they saidthey were planning one soon. They have 2 cats. It's a nice home, and myroom as a skylight.

B) $645 a month, which includes all utilities, unless I use a lot ofheat in the winter because it's chillier. I can have Winston plus asmany animals as I'd like (I'm getting Winston a female bonder, plushoping for a doggie). However, I get one room (a studio) in thebasement. It's a basement, with that brown panelling for walls. Itcomes with a fridge, carpets (although not wall to wall), cabinets,it's own bathroom, and a closet. Another iffy thing is that it smellslike cats in the entry way because the woman who owns the house runs afeline rescue. It's in the second safest neighborhood in the country.I'd be living alone. The little hallway needs tiling, it smells musty,be is more than liveable.

So, I was just wanting some others' opinions. Both are great places,although I'm iffy about the second one because it's a basement and Ithink I'm a little snobby. But I don't like the first one because Ithink I'd be living with people who aren't my type and our lifestylesmight clash a little. I'm not asking anyone to make my decision for me,but I just wanted some second hand feedback.

Thanks so much!

Beth :)
Hi, Something that you might need to think aboutin the basement is the musty smell. How humid did it seemdown there? There could be mold/mildew behind thosepaneled walls.I do not mean to benegative here but that could cause you to have healthproblems. Also, how many cats would she have aroundat one time. Is there any way to tell how much heat you willbe having? Do you have any other choices? The firstchoice does not sound like the best either. I hope that youare able to find something that workswell foryou. Beckie
I think I'd opt for the independence of thebasement. If the lady has cats, you know your pets won't be aproblem in the future. We guys, though, can put up with lessposh surroundings than many women.

Obviously, though, the first option is probably going to beless expensive, but how do you fairly share the "plus utilities" withthe party people?



Well, the basement did smell musty, but I figurethat I could get some air fresheners. Also, the landlady told me thatshe's getting an air purifier for me as well, so that'll make the airof better quality. The cats don't have access to my area, but the otherhalf of the basement would connect to my area via a locked door --that's where the smell of cat food comes from! I think I'd be good withthe independence of the basement, but I think I'm being picky. I mean,I've never lived in a place where the hallway isn't tiled and is justcement (it has a carpet over it). I guess I've been spoiled. And Ireally do want to have a dog. I don't think my parents would approve,though, and they're paying (of the room, I mean). Also, I asked and shesaid they've never had an trouble with flooding or dampness down there.
i'd go for the basement if you cant go foranything other than the two choices. if you have to share rooms withpeople, it's possible they'd come in contact with your bunny. i dontknow about everyone else, but i'm pretty protective of my babies.

there's no other choice here? and if not, why not?my first instinct is to think of your bun, which is going to be thebest for him?
If you are worried about parties, then don't movein there. Trust your gut instincts with this one. It is just no funsharing a building with people who are up late, loud, and party a lot.

As far as the basement goes, I say go for it. My last apartment was abasement apartment and I loved it. I lived alone too, and it was GREAT.The only thing that worries me is the musty smell you say is there, asthat could mean mould and we all know that's bad. However, if it's beenempty for a bit, then it's just stale air and that un-lived in smell. Agood cleaning doesn wonders, and I've found that just about any newplace you move into smells odd, until you get in there and adjust, andbring in your own scent.
Are you able to wait a while until you know forcertain what you want? I'd say that the lifestyle clash withthe partiers may affect your relationship with them and you may want tomove out very soon after you move in. It is cheaper however,so that's a draw to that one. But if you really do want morepets, the basement seems the best, but do check out the smell and askthe lady if she can maybe put a draught excluder under the door so youdon't smellthe cat foodso much. You mightbe better off with the lady too, as she likes animals, and you may havethings in common to talk about in that respect. :)Good luck with whichever one you choose!
Thanks so much for all your wonderful advice!I've been giving this a lot of thought. I like the basement because ofthe privacy and independence, but it's a little sketchy and smells,which could indicate mold. I like the cheaper room because it hasfinished walls (none of that yucky panelling), a skylight, and it'snicer, not as chilly, cheaper, and I have more privacy than I have atthe place where I am now. I don't like that they're planning a party,but I think they're intelligent, respectful people, so it won't be tooloud, and I'll just go stay with a friend if I feel weird about it.Also, I don't need to get a dog, and I think I should wait until I havea real job (as in, I've got my master's and am a teacher). And thecheaper apt. will let me have a 2nd bun...


I think I'm choosing the first (cheaper) apartment. I have a bad, sickfeeling in my stomach when I think about living in the basement one, soI'm going to go with A.

Thanks so much, you're opinions really helped (although obviously I didn't stick with them! hehe). :)
Like I said, trust your gut instincts. Myapartment had that wood panneling, and you're right, it sucks! Nomatter what you do, you just can't hide that. I lived in a 70's zonefor three years and LOVE my pristine white walls. Funny, because beforeliving in that apartment, I never cared for stark white walls. Afterthree anda half years of looking at wood panels, I am lovingit now.

Plus, my health is much better since I've moved. There was a mould problem there and I used to cough a lot.
Sigh...I've been thinking about it (still). Italked to the girl from the cheaper apt. today. It felt weird. I'mafraid I'd be pretending to be someone I'm not if I lived there. Ick.Now I'm getting a bad feeling about that one...sigh! I'm a psycho! Atleast I've got Winston, he's keeping me sane. Oh, wait...;)

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