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If you have everused childhood hero's to your advantage for parental leverage, you willappreciate this one! Sebastian's little girl was being a beast thismorning, and yes I'm aware that Carolyn doesn't think that's possible,never the less, it's true. She didn't want to get dressed so threwherself on the floor, didn't want to take her medicines so pretended togag on them, didn't want to do her breathing treatment so screamed towake up Daddy who had only been asleep for 4 hours, didn't want to eatbreakfast so wanted pudding....And that's how the day started. As sheis eating her peaches (not pudding) she is looking over her letter toSanta. I told her not to bother with it because she won't be gettinganything from him anyway. She glares at me and snaps "Why!?!" This isthe good part! I said, "Well, remember when we saw Polar Express lastFriday night and we saw the Elves in the monitor room?" Shenods her head yes. I look her right in the eye, and I say,"Well, I'm pretty sure they have your mean face frozen on one of thosemonitors right this very moment with all the alarms going off, bellsringing, sirens screaming, Elves running around everywhere trying tofind Santa. And as soon as Santa walks into that room andseesit I bet you get moved over to the naughtylist." This is a tough kid you guys. Smart as can be. Sweetand kind, but a thinker. You can see the wheels turning....She says,"If they already had me on the nice list and put my presentinthat bag, how are they gonna get it out?" I gave an answer. "Will I getcoal in my stocking instead?" I hold steady and reply "Yep." So, shejumps off the barstool and runs over to the calendar to count how manydays she has before Christmas to redeem herself! Thank You PolarExpress!!!