O/T: Silly Dog at some pills

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Retired Moderator
Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
Poor dogs. My lab/rottie Harley and myand my Mom's yorkies Jake and Mack, got into some pillstoday. I was in with the rabbits and when I came out I foundthe empty pill bottle on the floor. I rushed them to the vetand they all had to have charcoal pumped into their stomachs.They had probably absorbed some because I don't know how long they hadto digest them. It was an ordeal. I swear thingsnever stop around here.

We've been home for a couple of hours now and I've never seen them thissubdued. They are all sleeping. It's awfully quietright now. Hopefully they will all be fine in the morning andthe refill on the pills will be up higher then my book shelf.

It wasn't fun, but I've actually experienced itbefore. I had a chow/shepard mix who was a pillfiend. She was nuts. I swear she could open themedicine cabinet and take out whatever she wanted. I'veactually learned what human pills are harmful and whicharen't. I could write a paper on the whole thing. Ican't believe I left the pills out, but they have been sitting therefor months and they just decided they wanted them. They hadto open my door, and I'm not sure how they did that...they are prettysly. I feel really guilty, but they were just in bad dog mode.
Oh my gosh. Naughty doggies no no no.Thank goodness you were there and see it. Kudos for knowing what to doand acting so quickly. You turned something that could have ended badand reminded us about the need to keep all meds hugh up. Soglad everything worked out.
