O/T: Put a bid on a house!!

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Retired Moderator
Dec 29, 2004
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Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
OMG, I can't believe it. Shawn and I have beenhouse hunting for what seems like forever, we put in a bid and had itaccepted, but during the home inspection we found out that tons of workwas needed, so that fell through. We really haven't looked since. Heknows what I want and that I'm not going to be too picky, as long as ithas a few specific things.

Last night, we were going to hang out at my brother's house, and Shawngot there really late. I was so angry. But then he comes in and says heput a bid on a house. The other one never quite felt right, but thisone he is so excited about. We drove by so I could see the outside, butI haven't seen the inside.

I'm not sure how to feel, part of me is upset because I didn't have anysay, but he thought it would be this great suprise. I think I'm stillin shock.

Thanks Buck. I'm actually really amazedhow he is dealing with it, he is just excited. Meanwhile, I'mterrified. Not about the house really, but thecost. I know we can afford it even with just his salary, soit is silly, but I'm still worried. Part of me is worriedabout all the time I'll spend alone. Shawn is a corporatepilot, so he is gone a lot, not so much over night, but a lot of longdays. It is really close to some of our best friends and hisparents and is basically between my Mom and my brother, so I'll havetons of support. Our realtor actually lives right across thestreet and he is an old friend of Shawn's. Ok the more Ithink about it, the more excited I get.

Jen, I hope this is the one. Dale did htesame with this house and I was irate. But now, He knows me best and Ilove this place. I an so excited for you. I will say a prayer forya'll.

I think it's romantic that he did it as a surprise! That is so sweet!!

When we moved from New Mexico to Virginia we were trying tosave money by not flying me out to look for a house so my husband andsister looked at houses together. It was so stressful not having a say,but I think my husband did a great job finding a house. The floorplanis not perfect, but there wasn't a lot of options and the market wasmoving so fast that when he found it he didn't leave until they hadsubmitted an application (we're renters). There are so many things Ilove about this house, that the things that normally would bother meare not important. We've been here almost a year now and we really hada hard time making the floorplan work for us, but we've just recentlycome up with a great idea for a major rearranging and we think it'sgoing to work much better.

Congratulations on the new house!


Speaking from experience Jen, ( we have just bought our second houseand are in the process of selling our first, so at the moment we own 2houses) Try and keep a few minutes a day just for yourself, even ifit's a long shower, time out is a good idea.

Buying is financially scary but millions of people do it all the time,I guess all you need to know is if you can afford the repayments andmeet the bills etc and still have a bit left over for saving etc thenhey you'll be fine :D

It sure is a roller coaster ride, but doing it together is fun m yes itcan some days be stressful but in the end if it's what you both wantthen stick together and umm one word COMPROMISE!! LOL:D

Good luck and if you get too stressed feel free to pm or email me for some support :D:D:D
Wow thanks for all the support. Rightnow I'm just waiting for them to either accept our offer or give acounter offer -- Shawn is in Arizona until Wednesday, so I'll get thatcall. I'm stressed, but excited. The biggestconcern about the house that I've heard so far is that it has "lots ofwhite carpet" and we have lots of animals. White carpet and ablack lab/rottie who sheds a lot....oh well, I havea goodvacuum.

Tina -- I'm so glad to hear that someone else had thisexperience. I thought he was a crazy person when he camein. I was soshocked, I gave everyone a goodlaugh. My brother thought the whole scene washysterical. When he got there, I first yelled about how lateit was, then the conversation went kinda like this:

Shawn: I put a bid in on a house.

Me: A house?

Shawn: Yes, a house.

Me: A house? What are we going to do with a house?

Shawn: Um, my guess would be live in it.

It was pretty funny. Later that night, we were going to sleep and I couldn't stop laughing about the whole thing.


I'm so happy for you! :) This must be just soexciting for you two. Personally, even though it's still a bit away, Icannot wait until we start house hunting.

I watch way too many of those TV shows about buying/selling homes. :p
Oh I hope, I hope, I hope it works out for you,Jen. I couldn't think of a nicer person to have somethinggood happen to them.

Will say a prayer and send positive vibes your way.If it's not this one, there's certain to be another one on the horizonthat'll be perfect for you. You're on your way, one way oranother.


My husband and I are closing on a house onFriday. I know what you're going through. It'sstressful and exciting at the same time. Good luck!