Here we go, I just cut and paste!! I can't believe I didn't think of that earlier.
I was inspired to write this after a not so pleasent visit with Shawn's(my boyfriend) family this evening and now I need a little support. Hebrought them over to visit and his neice was playing with the ferrets,Teeny-Weeny is a biter and he chomped her pretty good. She's a toughlittle thing and basically ignored it, but his brother went on a rantabout how he didn't understand why I would pay so much money in vetbills for a ferret, let alone one who is mean. Shawn put him in hisplace, but I was still really angry about the whole thing.
The whole thing was centered around a recent incident with Teeny. Heescaped from their ferret proof room and got into the ceiling (I'mstill not exactly sure how he managed this), when he first came out, hewas acting a little strange, but then about 15 min later, he had aseizure. I called my vet, who is 1 1/2 hrs. away, but is wonderful. Shesaid she would stay at the office until I could get there. I made aflying trip down there. Teeny had a few more seizures on the way. Itwas quickly determined that he must have gotten into something in theceiling. Suffice it to say, it took almost 3 days to stop the seizuresand he has been recovering ever since. He is doing well, he had toregain a lot of motor control, but he is back to playing with the otherfuzzes and being the alpha ferret. The vet bills were insane, but tome, Teeny is worth it.
That brings me to how I got Teeny. It was almost Christmas 2002 and wehad gotten in our "Christmas Ferrets" at the store I was managing atthe time. I instantly fell in love with Teeny and his little blaze. Hewas a tiny little guy, but he had spunk! He latched on to my finger andchomped when I tried to take him out of the transport box. We alwayskept our animals for 1 week to get them adjusted and vet checked beforewe sold them. In that time, we learned that Teeny was just a biter, healmost seemed to like the Bitter Apple, and he is deaf, so we knew hewould be a challenge. I had a customer who wanted him, and came for himas soon as he was for sale. I told her about his attitude, but she saidit would be ok. He was gone exactly 17 hrs before she brought him back.I took him home to try to tame him a bit. Tessa fell in love instantly.She would drag him everywhere she went and basically she was his littlefuzz mommy. After about a week, he was doing better, so I took him backto the store. He was sold that day. Tessa was distraught, she missedher "baby" terribly. This time, he was gone almost 2 days, but then hewas back. At that point, I decided he just had to come home and livewith me forever.
It's been over 2 years and Teeny still has that attitude. He stillchomps down if given the chance, although he rarely bites me now. Whenhe came to live with me, he was the fifth fuzz at the time. Only he andTessa remain of the original 5, and they are still the best of friends.