O/T Michael Jackson

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I know...I am SOANGRY! This is disgusting! If he was a regular person they would havethrown him in jail for the rest of his life! The only reason he is freeis because he is a celebrity. This verdict is only going to make himthink he can get away with what ever he wants. This man needs serioushelp, and he wont get it now that he is free.


Ya'll know whatseven scareier than him notbeing procicuted for this ,

The next person accused of molestinga child will have every legalprecidence to say " wellMicheal Jackson can get awaywith it , whatswrong with me ?

the more of these sicko'sthat get away from it put moreand more children at risk, That whacko even admitted itfreely in interview HOW cananyone say he is innocent , the systemis just as demented andlame as he is.
I really feel for Michael Jackson .. somewherealong the line something (or someone) has really messed him up ... heneeds help, not jail ...

I particularly feel for him and his family because of how the mediahave milked this, and it will, no doubt, continue.

I just want to say this ... if my son or daughter had told me they hadbeen "molested" by someone .. I 'd have done something STRAIGHT AWAY ..not waited years !

Michael Jackson .. Trial by media ..

"I just want to say this ... if my son ordaughter had told me they had been "molested" by someone .. I 'd havedone something STRAIGHT AWAY .. not waited years ! "

that is VERY true Saffy! :highfive:
I think that twisted man needs serious help andat least some jail time--for what he did there is no excusefor. Celebrity or not, he is still human and shouldn't betreated any differently than anyone else out there.If I were the judge,he would be serving a life sentence withno way out. Molestling children...thats just sick.:mad:Himbeing free is just wrong and makes me very mad.
This whole case is just soooo sad.

There is no question that Michael Jackson is a wierdo.
But, there is no crime against bizarre behavior.

Its hard to say whether or not he violated these children; I guess we will never know...

Its just such a shame that all of the Prosecutions' witnesses were allmoney hungry liars. Noone really seemed to be concerned about thechildren themselves, it only seemed to be about how much they couldmilk him for.

Let's face it, if this wasn't about the money, the verdict would have been very different.

Rightfully or wrongfully, I'm afraid I would take "justice" into my ownhands if anyone ever harmed my children; we wouldn't be discussing it.And, no amount money would be enuff to curb my anger, nor heal mychild(ren).

I agree Cheeto'sMom

He would have never everseen the inside of a c ourt room I on theother hand would Have I would have beenin front of the Judge for Murder 1 nodoubt about it.

Think about it people if he wasso darned innocent why was hehe paid millions off to thevery first Child ? hmmmmm .
i think that he just doesnt conform to what the average person percieves as normal.

We will never know the truth but he has been given an innocent verdict so that is what he is, apparently.

parents need to be more careful than leaving someone with a stranger no matter how famous they think they are.

Jacko needs to makes sure he knows the kids and there parents to safe guard himself from the so-called lies.

simple as.
I do think he is very weird,and does needhelp.It's not normal to have children sleep in his bed ratheror not he did anything or not.The whole idea of him admitting he didhave children sleep in his bed is so sick.Also,I think he payed off thejudge.The judge should have done something even if theverdict was not guilty,like sending Michael tocounseling,because that's what he needs.With him having admitted he hadchildren sleep in his bed is a real problem.
black_jack wrote:
We will never know the truth but he has been given an innocent verdict so that is what he is, apparently.

Not guilty verdict does not mean innocent...it means there wasn't enough evidence....2 very different things....
samandshawn wrote:
Why do you think he's broke now he used his money to buy the verdict

He's getting his 3 million dollars bond back...

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